B.S. Kurlovich
Effective utilization of plant genetic resources in plant breeding requires detailed information about different biological, physiological, biochemical and other properties of the collected accessions. Eco-geographic classification reflects the regularities of variability of these properties, based on the specific nature of geographic, historical, ecological and agronomic conditions. It cannot replace the botanical classification of the species, which requires clear distinction of morphological characters observed in the herbarium materials, but supplements it. Both classifications taken together provide for purposeful and conscious utilization of plant genetic diversity in breeding practice, to which N.I. Vavilov (1965, 1997) repeatedly paid attention.
Each species has the radical, i.e. genetically determined and correlated group of structural characters that may be observed in all its forms. The species is "... a flexible isolated complex morpho-physiological system linked in its genesis to a certain environment and area of distribution" (Вавилов, 1965a, p.248). Therefore, the species should be studied by morphological, physiological, biochemical, genetic and other methods.
The matter of N.I. Vavilov’s special attention and concern was ecological differentiation of a species. Many Linnaean species represent a complex system of ecotypes or climatypes. "An ecotype is a group of biotypes within one Linnaean species united by a series of constant hereditary characters and adapted to certain conditions of their habitat. It is quite natural that differing in space and submitting to the effect of selection, the basic potential of the Linnaean species is to develop and isolate the groups of hereditary forms most closely corresponding to the given environments..."(Vavilov 1965, p.245). The researches on the ecological pattern of many dozens of species were widely conducted on his initiative, as a result of which it became possible to reveal the regular nature of their variability within the limits of the areas of their distribution .
Much attention was devoted to the analysis of the species’ ecological pattern by Sinskaya (Синская, 1948, 1961, 1969) and Agaev (Агаев, 1958, 1987). Sinskaya assessed the species as a system of ecotypes.
We were guided in our research by N.I. Vavilov’s (1935, 1965) differential systematic and geographic method of analyzing cultivated plants, which provided a possibility to undertake targeted searching of valuable breeding materials in various regions and solve the problems of phylogenesis, taxonomy and evolution. This enabled us not only to disclose the diversity of forms, but also to reveal a series of regularities in their variation depending on the degree of cultivation, geographic environments and soil conditions. We arranged the accessions of different origin with ecologically and geographically influenced differences in biological, physiological, biochemical and other properties into geotypes, eco-geographic groups of ecotypes, separate ecotypes and concultivars (varietal types). The accessions of each lupin species adapted to a definite and sufficiently vast habitat or geographic area of cultivation were grouped into geotypes, typical of the species with wide areas of distribution. Prof. Agaev (Агаев, 1987) defined the term “geotype” as "morphologically weakly differentiated but genetically determinate race that appeared in the composition of species as a result of their settlement and evolution". This definition allowed us to develop a more detailed eco-geographical classification and revealed efficient ways of lupin genetic resources utilization in breeding.
Geotypes were divided into separate ecotypes or eco-geographic groups of ecotypes (when it was difficult to select separate ecotypes). Ecotypes are detected among plants adapted to specific niches in the wild conditions, e.g. in mountains, on littoral, close to villages or roads) or in agriculture (e.g. different local forms). Breeding varieties were classified into concultivars (varietal types) on the basis of similar biological and economic properties.
It is necessary to mark that the proposed eco-geographic classification is conditional. It has been developed on the basis of the materials available in the collection of lupin from N.I. Vavilov Institute (about 2500 accessions). It is quite possible that it does not completely encompass all existing diversity of lupin’s forms in nature and in culture. Besides, the ecotypes existing in natural conditions are in the process of constant dynamic development. One of them would crop up and develop, but others tend to fade away because of the activity of man and other unfavorable factors. On the other hand, the humankind have already created many new cultivars of lupin for agricultural production. The breeding practice will be continued in future as well. With regard to these circumstances, such units of eco-geographic classification as ecotypes, concultivars, geotypes and others are less stable than taxonomic units. They should permanently be updated and perfected. However, they provide a better notion about the range of variability of the forms even at the given stage of analysis of genetic recourses and help to obtain a deeper insight in the potential of a concrete species. Using them makes it possible to reveal a number of regulations in the variability of characters within definite species and devise particular ways of their use in breeding practice. These regulations have found detailed consideration in this section.
White lupin is distinct within the vast and polymorphous genus Lupinus L. for small variation of morphological characters. However, it has wide intraspecific variability in physiological plant properties: duration of vernalization time and growth rate, photoperiodic sensitivity, shape tolerance, drought resistance, cold- and winter-hardiness. There are winter and spring forms of white lupin. Besides, the lupin collection contains wild, undomesticated and local forms, modern breeding varieties, and genetic resources, having wide diversity. Libkind (Либкинд, 1931) classified gene pools of white lupin into two geographic groups: Mediterranean and Abyssinian. According to her, the Mediterranean group is characterized by lighter coloring of the corolla, large pods and seeds, and plants shaped like a sprawling scrub. It is widespread over all the Mediterranean region. The Abyssinian group has darker coloring of the corolla, and small-sized pods and seeds. The shape of plants is oblate and umbrella-like. The area of this geographic group is Abyssinia, with rare occurrence in Egypt. Further analysis of the lupin collection in the VIR network enabled Fedotov (Федотов, 1948) to arrange the accessions into six main types characterized by different physiological and morphological characters: Georgian (winter), Southwest (Algerian), Abyssinian, West-European (Swiss), Middle-European (German) and Palestinian types. This classification encompasses and characterizes the majority of the forms of white lupin having been available in the collection of VIR for 50 years. Up to the present, however, the collection has been abundantly replenished with numerous new accessions from various countries. As a result of their long-term analysis in different zones, many new data have been accumulated. In the outcome of this research, new ecogeographic classification of L. albus has been developed. We have grouped the gene pool of white lupin available now in the VIR collection into 11 geotypes and agrogeotypes, 4 ecogeographic groups of ecotypes, 17 separate ecotypes and 10 concultivares. The list and characteristics of different geotypes, ecotypes and concultivares are presented in the book Ecogeographic research has shown the ranges of changeability in different descriptors of white lupin forms. Duration of growing period under spring sowing varies from 106 to 180 days, seed mass per plant changes from 2.2 to 40 g, green mass yield per from 9 to 250 g, protein content in seed from 35.0 to 53.7%, and oil content from 6.2 to 12.0%.
The Balkan-Asian geotype
It comprises the ecotypes from Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, western coast of Turkey, Transcaucasia, and also from Crete and the Aegean Islands. This geotype differs from the others by an extremely broad diversity of forms (Cowling, 1986). All three subspecies of white lupin are contained here. This geotype harbors wild forms, local varieties cultivated in different historical periods, plant populations that turned wild, and also modern breeding cultivars. A rather short stalk, and large number of branches and pods characterize majority of forms. Wild forms differ from cultigens by a shorter stalk, dark blue flowers, dehiscent pods and colored seeds. There are true wild forms of white lupin with dotted dark brown seeds and dark blue flowers (subsp. graecus) in this group. This circumstance, as well as the presence of a large diversity of its other forms, has given us the grounds to surmise that the Balkan Peninsula is the center of formation of Lupinus albus L. and the primary center of origin (diversity) of its initial cultivated forms. The Balkan-Asian geotype consists of 7 ecotypes.
Winter mottled-seed ecotype. The plants grow in natural conditions at the foot of the mountains on carbonaceous soils in the north of Greece, in Yugoslavia, Albania and in the south of Bulgaria. For these plants, typical features are cyan-violet coloring of the corolla and speckled dark brown and dotted seeds with impermeable testa. They belong to subsp. graecus. Such forms were earlier considered by some Soviet and Polish scientists (Kazimierski and Nowacki., 1961b; Атабекова, Майсурян, 1962) as separate species (L. vavilovii Atab. et Maiss., L. jugoslavicus Kasim. et Nowacki.). Winter forms represent the plants. They stay during long time in condition of rosette at spring sowing and start to grow only after preliminary vernalization within 25-30 days at a temperature of 0... +1°C. In the absence of vernalization, these plants develop a short stalk and start to blossom only in autumn, when cold weather is approaching. In the fall planting near Sukhumi, Abkhazia, the growth of the stalk renews in spring and seed are maturing in late May or early June. Seed ripening goes on non-uniformly. These forms tolerate frost at about –15 ... –20°C, as was observed in the fall planting at the mountainous site in Zakatalsk, Azerbaijan (Курлович and Гаджиев, 1989). But the plants of this ecotype are characterized by intense seed shattering.
The plants are notable for a large number of pods on the main stem (up to 60), and rather small-sized depressed seeds (6... 8 mm in diameter). Their 1000 seed weight is 250... 270 g, and seed weight per plant is 30... 40 g. Nowadays valuable hybrids are obtained by crossing the forms of this ecotype with other forms of white lupin. Many of them are early ripening (101-125 days) in spring planting, and have higher seed yield on the main truss (k-2209). Samples of this ecotype are valuable as initial sources for breeding for higher seed productivity and frost resistance. The most representative accession of this ecotype is available under the name of Lupinus vavilovii (k-1788).
Semi-winter mottled-seed ecotype. It includes wild forms of lupin growing in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Crete and the Aegean Islands, pertaining also to subsp. graecus. The plants of this ecotype are similar by morphological characters to the previous ecotype. However, in this ecotype taller and stronger branched plants with light blue corolla color and freckled brown seeds sometimes occur. They exhibit weaker reaction to vernalization, for which sufficing are 15 days with the temperature of +1... +2°C. However, these forms may also stay for 1.0-1.5 months in the rosette phase at spring planting without vernalization in the conditions of Russia. The rosette phase is essentially reduced when the spring is cold. The plants have a short period from flowering to maturing, which makes 60-70 days in Kiev Province, and 40-45 days in Abkhazia. It is quite possible that the plants of this ecotype have hybrid genesis, as in their natural habitats wild plants pertaining to other subspecies (subsp. termis and subsp. albus) frequently occur. Samples of this ecotype are valuable as initial breeding material for early maturity, winter hardiness, small seed size and high seed yield (k.k.-3018, 3118).
Early-ripening Balkan ecotype. Like the previous two ecotypes, it comprises wild and run-wild forms belonging, however, to subsp. termis. The plants have blue or pink flowers and white seeds. Such forms grow over the whole territory of the Balkan Peninsula. They are usually found near villages, on the sides of fields, vineyards, and roads. It is quite likely that these plants have turned wild. They develop in vivo as winter forms and have demonstrated in Kiev Province different reactions to vernalization depending on the weather at spring planting. Their vegetation period lasts 140-150 days. As observed on the fall plantings near Sukhumi, blossoming begins earlier than with the narrow-leafed lupin, and seed maturing starts by early June. The plants usually have thin and short stems (up to 50 cm), on which there are many pods (40-50 per plant) having shatter-protecting valves. Seed mass per plant is 25...27 g; mass of 1000 seed is 250-280 g. The plants are noteworthy for higher drought resistance.
The plants of this ecotype are interesting as sources of small seed size, high seed yield, and resistance to drought. (k.k.-3117, 3339).
Peloponnesus ecotype. Representatives of this ecotype are characterized by more powerful plants (up to 1 m high) and large white seeds. Their seed mass per plant is 28... 30 g, and mass of 1000 seeds is 300... 380 g. The plants are attributed to subsp. albus. Var. vulgaris Libk is the dominating variety of this ecotype. Such forms grow usually on the edges of vineyards, fields, and roads. It allows us to suppose that they are the forms of wild white lupin that has run wild. The plants exhibit predilection to vernalization at spring sowing. The period of vegetation is 140... 150 days in Kiev Province. The plants are notable for by irregular maturing of seed on the main stem and lateral branches. Many accessions are effective sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt (k-2864, 2865, 2881). The most representative accessions of this ecotype are Peloponnes - 127 (k-1441), Longa Peloponnes (k- 1807), k-1440.
Macedonian ecotype. It harbors domesticated local varieties related to subsp. albus. In the Antique period, they were widely cultivated in the territories of modern Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania. Nowadays, they would on a somewhat smaller scale used as green manure, for food after soaking and removal of alkaloids, in medicine and cosmetics. The plants of this ecotype are thermoneutral and more high-yielding in seed and green matter. The mass of the green part of a plant is 150... 200 g. Vegetation period lasts 120... 140 days when cultivated in the conditions of Kiev Province. The plants are characterized by rather simultaneous maturing of seeds on the main steam and lateral branches, and by non-shattering pods. Their seed mass per plant is 32... 38 g and 1000 seed mass is 380-500 g. The seed contain up to 40% of protein (k-2374 from Yugoslavia). Accession k-682 is resistant to Fusarium. Accessions of this ecotype are interesting as sources of early maturity and high productivity.
Turkish ecotype. It incorporates local forms of the western coast of Turkey cultivated there since ancient times. Their distinctive features include early maturity, great quantity of lateral branches, elevated attachment of pods to the main stem and lateral branches. Number of pods reaches 50-60 per plant. Position of pods on the main stem is 0.40... 0.50 m above ground. Their seed mass per plant makes 36... 39 g, and 1000 seed mass is 400... 450 g. Vegetational period is 115-140 days in the conditions of Kiev Province. These plants are enough thermoneutral. Accessions of this ecotype have breeding value in achieving early maturity or higher number of pods on the main stem and lateral branches. However, they are susceptible to Fusarium (k.k.- 529, 530, 532).
Georgian ecotype (Georgian type according the classification of Fedotov). The forms of this ecotype were cultivated as fall crop in western Georgia, mainly in Gurian and Mingrelian regions under local name "hanchkoly", which means "bitter bean". At present, however, as have been shown by our investigations, occurrence of hanchkoly in western Georgia is very limited. This ecotype is a little apart in the arrangement of the Balkan-Asian geotype system. However, Ancient Greece had close relations with Transcaucasia (Синская, 1969), and lupin was apparently distributed to western Georgia also from Greece. Our investigations have shown that hanchcoly in western Georgia is a typical winter form of white lupin planted in autumn. It tolerates low temperatures in winter at the temperature range of –12 … –15°C, reaches in spring 1 m or more in height, and ripens in late May or early June.
White lupin was used in Georgia mainly for food after removing bitter taste by means of washing and boiling. Boiled lupin seed were sold in the markets and were used for food as sweetmeats. The brew was splashed onto animals (cows, sheep) to repel insects. The seed were also used for preparing ersatz coffee. Now, however, white lupin is used in western Georgia mainly for green manure.
Our analysis has shown that accession k-2910 from Georgia is a typical winter form. It was in the rosette stage throughout the vegetation period under spring sowing and matured under autumn planting. Accession k-4423 also manifested itself as a winter or semi-winter form. The plants of this form were in the rosette stage for more than 3 months under spring planting, blossomed only by the end of August, and ripened in November. West Georgian accessions turned out to be earlier, taller and more productive in comparison with the winter form from France (k-3340), but their seed weight was less. Commercial cultivar Kievski mutant bred on the basis of Georgian accessions was available both in spring and winter forms. Its seed yield was higher in comparison with other accessions (Kurlovich, 1996).
Golovchenko (Головченко et al, 1984) has found out that the accessions of the Georgian ecotype are good material for mutagenesis. The most noteworthy are mutants adapted to the conditions of Ukraine and Russia, characterized by spring growth habit, early ripening, high productivity and low alkaloid content. Those valuable characters were transferred by crosses into a wide range of local lines and in accessions belonging to the Palestinian geotype, and on this basis new commercial cultivars of white lupin were bred (Kievski mutant, Gorizont, Solnechny etc.).
Palestinian geotype (Palestinian type according classification of Fedotov)
This geotype consists from wild and domesticated forms, which one grow in wild condition and are cultivated except for Palestine in Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Jordan. These forms take the first place among the wild forms of white lupin on rates of growth, especially in the first half of vegetation. They are characterized by enough high productivity of vegetative mass and its early forming. The period of vegetation becomes reduced at lengthy days. This circumstance opens a perspective of their usage as basic material for creation of early and acclimatized cultivars in conditions of Russia and Ukraine (Головченко et al., 1984). The samples of Palestinian geotype will widely be used by the breeders of Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine for obtaining the material with long photoperiod and thermo neutrality. The Palestinian geotype is submitted in the gene pool of VIR by three ecotypes.
Palestinian wild ecotype. The plants of this ecotype concern to subsp. termis and meet in Palestine by separate populations at the foot of mountains and along fields. These plants probably were cultivated earlier in culture and at any stage turned wild. They diffuse by self-sowing and in this connection develop as winter plants. However, they are also weakly respond on vernalization at spring term of crop. Their period of vegetation is 105... 115 days. The plants are dwarfish (up to 20 sm high), with a thin stalk, small-sized leaflets (.,0 sm in length and 1.0 sm in width), short trusses, bluish or pink flowers and 1... 3-seeded beans. Mass of 1000 seeds is 280... 300g. The period of vegetation is reduced at cultivation in northern locales. These plants are more early and xeromorphous in comparison with plants of Balkan early ecotype, they have also a little bit large mass of seeds. The accessions of this ecotype have interest for an acclimatization in Russia in connection with early maturity and thermo neutrality (k.k.-3293, 3294).
Jordan ecotype. These plants also concern to subsp. termis. However, they are cultivated in culture for sideratio and for food purposes after debittering. These plants differ from wild forms by a habitus of plants. They are larger, higher (30 sm high), with leaflets of 2.5... 5.0 sm length and 1.0 sm width, with lengthy polyanthous trusses and 2-4-seeded beans. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 300... 380 g, seed mass per plant 31... 35g. Plants are thermoneutral and early. The duration of period from plantling to maturing for a sample Tel Karam (k-290), collected by N.I. Vavilov, has averaged for 5 years of testing in conditions of the Kiev area 113 days (V=14.9 %). Many samples differ by high quality of seeds. So, the content of protein is more than 40 %, and content of oil 12 % for the sample k-298 (Каталог мировой коллекции ВИР, Вып. 496, 1989). Heightened (more than 40 %) contents of protein have the samples k-290 and k-302. The samples k-294 and k-295 contain up to 12 % of oil. This ecotype has value for acclimatization in Russia. Usage of the accessions of this ecotype in combination with applying of a mutagenesis has allowed creating highly productive cultivars of white lupin in the Ukrainian research institute of agriculture, and also in Poland (Головченко et al., 1984).
Israeli ecotype. These plants are similar on a habitus with the representatives of previous ecotype. They differ by thicker stalks and light flowers, and also concern to subsp. albus. The varieties vulgaris Libk. and albus L. are dominate. The plants have larger seeds. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 420... 480 g, seed mass per plant 38... 40g. The plants react weakly on vernalization. However, they begin to blossom on 3... 6 days earlier in conditions of vernalization. These plants differ by fast growth by the beginning of vegetation and as a result overtake growth of weeds. The period from plantling to maturing makes 110 … 125 days (V = 15.6 %) at spring crop in the Kiev area, and period from plantling to flowering makes only 32 … 37 days (V = 14.2 %). These plants are cultivated in Israel. They are probably delivered there from others countries. This ecotype has large perspectives in breeding as a source of early maturity and thermoneutrality (k.k.-3225, 3226, 3227).
Abyssinian geotype (Abyssinian type according classification of Fedotov)
It integrates ecotypes of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. The majority of the forms concern to subsp. termis. The samples of this geotype have heightened resistance to drought, early maturity, and relative thermoneutrality. Many from them have resistance to fusarium. It is necessary to mean, however, that this geotype was formed in conditions of short day. The samples react on lengthening of photoperiod by a decrease of productivity in this connection. Abyssinian geotype is parted on 3 ecotypes.
Nile wild ecotype. It meets on all area of the Abyssinian geotype. The plants grow by separate populations in a wild condition, being diffused by self-sowing. It is quite possible that this ecotype has turned wild. N.I. Vavilov has collected a number of wild specimens of this ecotype near for initial sources of Blue Nile during his expeditions in Abyssinia in 1927. The collected plants differ by small-sized seeds, which one ripens more nonuniformly in comparison with cultivated forms of lupin from Egypt and Sudan. Their seed mass per plant makes 27... 31g, mass of 1000 seeds 260... 280g. The process of vernalization reduces growing period and green mass of plants. The period of vegetation changes from 105 to 140 days at spring crop. These plants differ from plants of Palestinian wild ecotype by smaller seeds and by lengthier stalk with smaller quantity of small-sized leafs and leaflets. The forms of this ecotype are most resistant to drought (k- 507, 509). The samples k - 484 and k - 494 are resistant also to fusarium.
Egyptian ecotype. It introduces domesticated part of white lupin in Egypt, where this crop is cultivated since ancient times as foodstuff. The majority of accessions concern to subsp. termis. There are also white-flowered shapes (subsp. albus), delivered apparently from other countries. Several of the intermediate shapes are obtained as a result of hybridization. These plants have small-sized leaflets and short phase of rosette, because they differ by fast growth after plantling. The period of vegetation makes 108-130 days at spring crop. Domesticated forms from Egypt have shorter period from flowering to maturing in comparison with the plants of Nile wild ecotype. It has compounded 62 days (V = 20.6 %) at the sample k-510 in conditions of the Kiev area, whereas this parameter changed from 75 to 95 days for wild forms. The mass of seeds from plant makes 35... 38 g, mass of 1000 seeds 300... 350 g. The samples of this ecotype are possible for using as sources of early maturity (k.k.- 510, 3105, 3114). Accession k-507 has high resistance to fusarium.
Sudanese ecotype. These forms are cultivated in Sudan and Ethiopia at autumnal crop on sandy soils. They were formed up in conditions of rainy autumn and arid summer. The plants fast pass a phase of rosette at spring crop as well as the plants of previous ecotype. Besides, they have enough short period from flowering to maturing. So, it has compounded 74 days (V = 19.3 %) for the sample k-1930 on the average for three years of investigation; for the sample k-1931 it has compounded 77 days (V = 14.3 %). The duration of all period of vegetation changes from 110 to 140 days at accessions of this ecotype in conditions of Kiev area. However, some samples do not ripen at cold and rainy autumn. These plants are more productive in comparison with the plants of previous ecotype. They have also large seeds. Their mass of 1000 seeds 450... 500 g, seed mass per plant 38... 40 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 80... 100 g. Many samples have heightened resistance to drought (k-1642, 1646). The accessions k- 486 and k- 495, brought by N.I. Vavilov from Abyssinia, differ by the high contents of protein (Каталог мировой коллекции ВИР, Вып. 496, 1989).
Algerian geotype (Southwest or Algerian type according classification of Fedotov)
This geotype integrates the lupin samples of Algeria, Libya and Morocco. The plants of this geotype concern to subsp. albus. The majority of the forms is weakly differ among themselves. We do not allocate ecotypes in limits of this geotype in this connection. The forms of this geotype are cultivated as crop plants. They are characterized by sluggish growth on the first phases of development and by long period of vegetation (130 - 180 days at spring sowing in conditions of Kiev area). A number of accessions do not ripen here. The plants can stay in condition of a rosette for a long time, but to the beginning of flowering become very powerful, with a big quantity of branches and leafs. The high of plants is 1.2... 2.0 m. They strongly react on vernalization by reduction of vegetation period and by essential change of a habits of plants (Федотов, 1948). These plants have less thick stalk and faster ripen after vernalization or at autumnal crop in Sukhumi. They grow slowly on the shortened days. These plants provide a high yield of green mass and seeds. Their seed mass per plant makes 30... 35 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 190... 240 g, mass of 1000 seeds 350... 400 g. The accessions of this geotype have interest at cultivation for sideratio, and also for breeding of winter cultivars for southern conditions - El Harrach 1 (k-3110), El Harrach 2 (k-3111), El Harrach 3 (k-3112), k.k.-2002, 2005, 2011, 2012.
Iberian geotype
It actuates the forms of lupin from Spain and Portugal relating to subsp. albus. White lupin was widely cultivated in Spain in past under a local title "chocho", and in Portugal under a title "tremoco" for human nutrition and on the fodder purposes. Areas of crops are reduced now. However, in those places where lupin was at one time cultivated in culture, meet its turned wild forms, which one usually grow on edges of fields, on shoulders of roads, for foot of mountains and are characterized by broad diversity. This geotype consists from macrospermous and microspermous, summer and winter ecotypes.
The size of beans and seeds tends to reduction at moving from a north to the south of these countries, and the duration of period of vegetation and flowering, number and size of leafs is augmented (Mota, et al., 1982, Mota, 1984; Martins, 1993). In the south of Spain and Portugal are grown in the main winter forms of white lupin, in a north and northwest are grown summer forms. The greatest diversity of the forms is detected in the south. (Mota et al., 1982; Simpson and Gibbon, 1982; Simpson and Martins, 1984). The forms of Iberian geotype are distinguished by heightened resistance to many diseases (fusarium, anthracnose etc.). They have the special value for breeding in this connection. However, all of them have a long period of vegetation in conditions of Russia. The separate small ecotypes are jointed in three eco-geographic groups in connection with extremely broad diversity of the forms of white lupin in the limits of Iberian geotype.
Iberian wild-grown eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It integrates wild forms of white lupin growing on all area of the Iberian geotype, which one probably turned wild in miscellaneous time. Their greatest concentration is detected in a southeast of Portugal on edges of fields. They develop in vivo as the winter shapes and differ by large diversity on predilection to vernalization, by habitus of plants and mass of seeds. This eco-geographic group can be subdivided on a number more small-sized soil and climatic ecotypes, adapted to definite places of growing in this connection. The majority of the forms of this ecotype differ from domesticated forms by big quantity of lateral branches, by non-uniformity of maturing of seeds and more continuous period of vegetation. The majority of them do not ripen at spring sowing in the Kiev area. Besides, the large oscillations in their productivity take place depending from changing weather conditions. Their seed mass per plant makes 260... 350 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 150... 250 g, mass of 1000 seeds 250... 320g. The majority of accessions are resistant to fusarium and anthracnose (k.k.-201, 210, 516, 2356, 2364, 2623, 2624, 3260, 3262, 3264).
Algarvian eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It is submitted by domesticasted winter and intermediate forms, which one is cultivated at autumnal crop in the south of Spain and Portugal. A dominating variety is var. vulgaris Libk. The plants are dwarfish, with small-sized leafs. However, they have large seeds. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 400... 450g. The majority of the forms strongly react on vernalization by reduction of period of vegetation at spring crop. They can stay in a phase of rosette for a long time at a warm weather in the spring. These plants are exacting to soil and moisture conditions. The lack of moisture, especially on sandy soils, sharply reduce the yield of plants. The seed mass per plant on the average for 3 years of investigations in conditions of the Kiev area has compounded 20... 25 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 200... 250g. The period of vegetation at spring crop is 150... 180 days. Many samples in conditions of the Kiev area do not ripen. This group of ecotypes has interest as sources of resistance to fusarium and high productivity (k.k-2625, 2626, 3250, 3261).
Santarem eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It integrates summer microspermous shapes, which are cultivated at spring sowing in the central and the north part of Spain and Portugal. This group of ecotypes is small-seeded. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 250... 280 g, seed mass per plant is 5... 20 g. The plants are enough thermoneutral and are weackly react on change of duration of photoperiod. Their period of vegetation is 140... 180 days. A part of accessions does not ripen in conditions of the Kiev area. The plants are highly productive on green mass, differ by a thick high stalk (up to 1,5 m high) and by large leafs. Mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering reaches 250 g. The accessions of Santarem eco-geographic group of ecotypes can be used as sources of small-seediness in breeding process. A number of accessions has heightened resistance to fusarium wilt (k.k.-2627, 2628, 3251, 3252, 3256, 3259, 3263, 3267).
Apennine geotype
There is an ancient culture of white lupin on Apennines up to a new aeon. Already then were selected and were acclimatized highly productive ecotypes. Some of them probably turned wild during a time, as a climate and part of soils of Apennine peninsula are favorable for existence of lupin in the nature. Many forms of Apennine geotype are characterized by high productivity of green mass and seeds, heightened contents of protein and oils. This geotype consists from two eco-geographic groups of ecotypes.
Neapolitan eco-geographic group of ecotypes. The wild growing forms submit it. Five main centers of their high concentration are detected on Apennine peninsula and off-shore islands (Zhukovsky, 1929; Fischer, 1938; Swęcicki, 1988): 1) near Naples, in region of the volcano Vesuvius and on some off-shore islands; 2) in the south of Italy, in area of Calabria; 3) on island Sicily, near cities Messina, Palermo, and also at foot of volcano Etna; 4) on island Sardinia; 5) on island Corsica.
Each of these centers is submitted probably by several ecotypes. Thus it is necessary to mark, that here grow also L. angustifolius, L. luteus and L.digitatus. However, white lupin usually places for foots of mountains and volcanos, frequently reaching beaches of the sea. The problem of belonging of this group of ecotypes to truly wild or turned wild forms is not solved, because the plants belong to subsp. albus. The truly wild forms of the Balkan Peninsula concern basically to subsp. graecus.
The plants of this group of ecotypes differ by small-sized seeds. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 280... 350 g. They react on vernalization at spring sowing. The period of vegetation after vernalization in conditions of the Kiev area makes 130... 160 days. It is elongated for 2-3 weeks at sowing without vernalization, and part of accessions do not ripen per separate years in conditions of the Kiev area. The irregular maturing of seeds on a main steam and lateral branches takes place. The productivity of plants is increased on lengthy days. Their seed mass per plant makes 10... 50 g, mass of green part of plant in the phase of flowering 100 … 140 g. The most representative accessions are k.k.-218, 314, 2861, 2862, 2892.
Calabrian eco-geographic group of ecotypes. This group is submitted by local alkaloid forms domesticated by the inhabitants of ancient Roman empire, which one till now are cultivated in the south of Italy at autumnal sowing as green fertilizer and on a forage after deleting of alkaloids. The expressions of Varro Marcus Terentius, dwelling in 116-27 BC testify to their ancient genesis and usage. In the treatise "Agriculture" (book I.XXIII.3) he wrote: " Is necessary to sow lupin not so much for a present crop, but for the next year... Therefore lupin is ploughed to soil on the lean field instead of a dung" (It is quoted from: Скорняков, 1983).
The plants of this group of ecotypes differ by macrospermous. Their mass of 1000 seeds is 400... 440 g. The plants provide a high crop of green mass and seeds. Seed mass per plant is 23... 30 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 190... 240 g. The high of plants reaches 1.5... 1.8 m. The plants have a thick stalk, large leafs, with powerfully branching. Duration of vegetational period makes 140 - 160 days at spring sowing in Russia. This period is reduced after realization of vernalization. These plants provide a large increase of a yield at cultivation on fertile soils. Accessions k-1600 and k-1601 differ by the heightened contents of protein. Ecotypes of this group are perspective as basic material for creation of highly productive varieties with resistance to low temperatures (k.k.- 313, 1600, 1601, 1988, 2013).
West-European agrogeotype
This agrogeotype integrates 3 separate ecotypes and 2 concultivars.
Swiss ecotype (West-European or Swiss type according classification of Fedotov). The forms of this ecotype are cultivated basically in Switzerland and in a north of Italy at spring sowing. These plants are more thermoneutral, dwarfish, weakly leafed and microspermous in comparison with the previous groups. Their mass of 1000 seeds is 300... 360 g. The plants provide more intensive growth and high productivity on short days (Федотов, 1948). The seed mass per plant makes 30... 36 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 60... 80 g. The period of vegetation is 130... 150 days. These plants differ by low stability to a drought. Their usage is possible as microspermous initial material and sources of thermoneutrality (k.k.-94, 124, 240).
Toulon ecotype. It actuates landraces from the south of France, where there is an ancient culture white lupin. These plants are alkaloidal and have winter growth habit. The majority of the forms usually are in a condition of a rosette within all summer in conditions of the Kiev area and at spring sowing without vernalization. At autumnal sowing in conditions of Azerbaijan and Abkhazia these plants begin to blossom at the end of April, and the maturity of seed comes in June, however on 10-15 days later, than for the forms of Georgian ecotype. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 280... 360 g. The winter forms from the south of France differ by a high potential of productivity. Their seed mass per plant makes 25... 35 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 200... 250 g. However, they are more exacting to a climate and soils in comparison with the summer forms. The young plants maintain frosts up to -10 ...-12 С. Samples of Toulon ecotype can be utilized for creation of highly productive winter cultivars for conditions of Transcaucasia. The most representative accession is k-3340.
Northen France ecotype. The winter forms of white lupin do not always pass the winter in the north of France. The summer forms are cultivated in this part of country already for long time. The local ecotype was formed here distinguished by more small-sized seeds, relative thermoneutrality, and heightened contents of protein and oils. The duration of its vegetational period at tests in Russia and Ukraine was 130... 140 days. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 280... 350 g. The contents of protein in seeds is up to 40 %, oil up to 12 %. The seed mass per plant makes 10... 15g, mass of green part in a phase of flowering 91... 105 g. These samples differ by low resistance to a drought and redundant damp of soils, but have value as sources of high content of protein and oil (k-223 and k-1547).
Concultivar Lucku. It actuates intermediate and winter commercial cultivars from France, created in scientific entities and corporations and cultivated in the south of the country.
Cv. Lucku (k-2617). It is winter or intermediate low alkaloid (fodder) cultivar of white lupin. Duration of period of its vegetation at spring sowing in conditions of Russia and Ukraine after preliminary vernalization is 130... 140 days; including peroid from flowering to maturing 80... 90 days. Its seeds do not ripen without vernalization at spring sowing in Russia at separate years. The plantlets maintained frost about -100 at testing in mountain region of Zakatalsk (Azerbaijan) at autumnal sowing. The seeds ripen in these conditions, and in conditions of autumnal crop near Sukhumi (Abkhazia), in middle of July. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 380... 400 g, seed mass per plant 20... 30 g, mass of above the ground green part in a phase of flowering 210... 240 g. The productivity of seeds in condition of France is up to 4.0 t/ha (Lemaire and Poulain, 1984).
Concultivar Lublanc. It integrates commercial cultivars of France cultivated in a north of country at spring sowing.
Cv. Lublanc (k-2589). It is fodder low alkaloid cultivar, belonging to var. vulgaris Libk. Duration of period of its vegetation at spring crop in Russia is 130... 150 days, including from flowering to maturing 70... 95 days. These plants react weakly on vernalization. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 340... 350 g. The contents of protein in seeds is more than 40 %, oil 11.2... 12.0 % (Каталог мировой коллекции ВИР, Вып.496, 1989). The seed mass per plant makes 15... 18 g, mass of green above the ground part in a phase of flowering 50... 60 g. Productivity of seeds in condition of France 3.5... 3.8 t/ha (Lemaire and Poulain, 1984).
The accessions of this concultivar have interest as a source of the high contents of protein and oils. Cvs. Lutop (k-2959) and Lukrop (k-2960) concern also to this concultivar.
German agrogeotype (Middle-European or German type according classification of Fedotov)
Lupin has penetrated to Germany from eastern Mediterranean in ХVШ. (Zhukovsky, 1929; Дюбин, 1974). Here for the first time in a world in 1927-1930 by v. Sengbusch were discovered low alkaloid (sweet) forms of lupin, which have been used as an initial material for creation of the commercial fodder cultivars. Lupin received the status of valuable fodder crop after this discovery. The long-lasting breeding and cultivation of lupin in Germany promoted formation of adapted to local condition agrogeotype, consisting from alkaloid and sweet cultivars. German cultivars are characterized by early maturity, macrospermous and manufacturability to field mechanization.
Concultivar Snezhinka. It actuates alkaloidal (bitter) cultivars created until 1930 and used as green fertilizer. First impetus came from King Frederick 11 of Prussia, who sent for seed of L. albus from Italy with a view to its use for improving the poor soils of northen Germany (Hondelmann, 1984, 1986). The large worth in their intrusion in production belongs to Karl von Wulfen, which widely advocated lupin for sideratio (Майсурян, Атабекова, 1974).
Cv. Snezhinka (k-1596). It is characterized by high productivity of green mass, which one makes up to 80... 90 t/ha (Юхимчук, 1963). The mass of 1000 seeds makes 300... 320 g, mass of seeds from 1 plant 10... 16 g. The contents of protein in seeds is 38.5-45.1 %, oil – 9.3 %, methionine 0.51 g on 100 g of dray mass. Resistance to fusarium wilt is medium (24 % of defeat on an infected background). The duration of vegetational period in Russia changes from 130 to 170 days, plants do not ripen per separate years. The productivity sharply changes depending on weather conditions during flowering and maturing of seeds. The accessions Kheine 703 (k-1426), Herkvell (k-1496) etc. concern to this concultivar.
Concultivar Kraftquell. This concultivar consists from fodder (low alkaloid) cultivars created in Germany after discovering of low alkaloidal (sweet) forms of lupin by v. Sengbusch.
Cv. Hadmerslebener Kraftquell (k-1661). It is one of first cultivars made by the widely known Hadmerslebener Corporation. It belongs to var. vulgaris Libk. and is characterized by comparatively low productivity of seeds (10-15 g/plant) and green mass (60-90 g/plant). However, their seeds contain 47.3-52.8 % of protein, 6.2 % oil, 0.212 g methionine and 1,94 g lysine for 100g of dray matter. The mass of 1000 seed makes 320... 380 g. Vegetational period in conditions of Russia is 140... 175 days. It is necessary to attribute to lacks of this old cultivar very late and non-uniform maturity, limitlessness of branching and low resistance to fusarial wilt. The cultivars Hansa (k-2172), Ultra (k-1660), Blanca (k-2295) etc. are concerned also to this concultivar.
Polish agrogeotype
It integrates alkaloidal and fodder cultivars of white lupin in Poland. Lupin has come to this country from Germany and is cultivated from XVШ century with the purposes of fertilizing of pour acid soils. In 1930ies, a turn in cultivation and breeding of lupin took place upon finding by v. Sengbush the first sweet plants. Several years later, upon publishing by Ivanov (Иванов et al., 1932) the method of detection of non-bitter plants and finding of low alkaloid forms lupin began to be used widely on the fodder purposes
(Kubok, 1988). The lupin breeding in Poland is intimately connected with the names of Drs. Barbacki, Frencel, Jach, Jaranowski, Łastowski, Novacki, Ewa i Tadeusz Kazimierski, Mikołajczyk, Sempołowski, Stawiński, Swęcicki etc., which one have made the large contribution in lupin breeding not only in Poland, but also in other countries. Polish agrogeotype is characterized by early maturity, comparative thermoneutrality and stability to fusarial wilt.
Concultivar Gorzki. It integrates alkaloidal (bitter) cultivars. Accessions from Eastern Mediterranean and cultivars from Germany were by the basis for their creation, among which several biotypes were separated, differing by most suitable for local conditions habitus of plants and growth rates.
Cv. Palidus gorzki (k-1984) differs by enough high productivity of green mass and seeds. Their seed mass per plant makes 25... 32 g, mass of green overgrown part in a phase of flowering 180... 210 g. Their seeds contain 36-39 % of protein and 7.0-8.2 % of oil. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 280 … 320 g. The period of vegetation changes in Russian and Polish conditions depending on weather conditions from 120 to 180 days. Late and non-uniform maturity, and low stability to fusarial wilt concerns to lacks of this cultivar. The cultivars and accessions Węlkopolski (k-104), Local from Poland (k-414), Lubin bialy późny (k-1539) etc. are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Kalina. It consists from fodder (sweet) forms created after the Second World War. The breeding activity with fodder lupin in Poland was begun after publication method of the mass analysis of plants on low alkaloidness in USSR (Kubok, 1988).
Concultivar Kalina. It consists from fodder (sweet) forms created after the Second World War. The breeding activity with fodder lupin in Poland was begun after publication method of the mass analysis of plants on low alkaloidness in USSR (Kubok, 1988).
Cv. Kalina (k-2056) is created by Dr. Mikiłajczyk on experimental station Przebędowo by hzbridization accessions Biały 1 x Biały V. It differs by early maturity. Period of vegetation in Russia is 130... 160 days. Their seed mass per plant makes 20... 26 g, mass of green part in a phase of flowering 150... 180 g. This cultivar showed enough high resistance to fusarium on infected background (only 19 % of infected plants). The mass of 1000 seeds makes 350... 400 g.
This concultivar actuates following cultivars and accessions: Przebędowski Wczesny (k-1313), Kali (k-2057), serial of accessions under a title Bialy: Bialy 1 (k-602), Bialy 4 (k-1603), Bialy 6 (k-1604), Bialy 7 (k-1605). Ultra early cultivar Start is created in Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow with usage of accession from serial Bialy (Гатаулина, 1984).
Concultivar Wat. This concultivar integrates ultra modern fodder commercial cultivars distinguished by early maturity, manufacturability at growing and harwesting, thermoneutrality, immunity to fusarium.
Cv. Wat (k-2585) is created by the breeders T. Kazimierski and W. Swęcicki with usage of wild forms (ssp. graecus). It differs by heightened early maturity and manufacturability at the expense of biological capacity to drop leafs before harvesting. This property eliminates necessity of defoliation. The period of vegetation of this cultivar makes 120... 140 days. It provides high productivity of seed. Their seed mass per plant makes 30... 35 g, mass of green above the ground part in a phase of flowering 40... 50 g. The seeds contain 39.6-41.1 % of protein, 9.3-9.8 % of oil, and 0.200-0.204 g of methionine for 100 g. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 260... 320 g. Cv. Hetman concern also to this concultivar. It is created on the basis of Wat and is distinguished by higher productivity and early maturity. These cultivars have value for breeders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine as basic material for creation of highly productive forms of lupin of a grain direction.
East-European agrogeotype
It actuates cultivars of white lupin from former USSR. The first item of information about lupin cultivation in Russia have appeared in works of the Free Economical Society in 1811 as about decorative plant. It began to be used also for sideratio in southern regions of Russian Empires subsequently. Cv. Snezhinka from Germany was culrivated at first in these purposes. The local varieties Chernigovsky, Nosovsky 3 etc. were then created also. The new stage in lupin breeding has set in after discovery of the method of finding of low alkaloidal plants. However, method designed in 1928 -29 by v. Sengbusch in Germany were kept secret. In this connection was elaborated new expresses-method of determination of alkaloids in plants in the Institute of Plant Industry (VIR). It was immediately and for the first time in the world published with the foreword of N.I Vavilov (Иванов et al., 1932). This publication, and also the invention of German scientists, was a central to the beginning of breeding work with fodder (sweet) lupin in all world.
East-European agrogeotype is characterized by early and rather even maturity of seeds on a main truss and lateral branches and by restricted branching. The samples of Palestinian geotype, Georgian ecotype, and also cultivars from Germany and Poland were by the initial material for its formation. The mutagenesis was widely used also at creation of Ukrainian and Russian cultivars.
Concultivar Chernigovsky. It integrates alkaloidal cultivars, which is widely cultivated for sideratio.
Cv. Chernigovsky (k-1642) is created on the Chernigov agricultural experimental station (Ukraine). It belongs to var. vulgaris Libk. and differs by high productivity green mass, which one makes 70... 100 t/ha. Duration of vegetation is 135... 165 days, including period from plantling to flowering - 75-80 days, and period from flowering to maturing - 60... 80 days. Their seed mass per plant is 18... 25g, mass of 1000 seeds 350... 420g. This cultivar now is strongly struck by fusarium. Cvs. Nosovsky 3, Zakarpatye local etc. are entered also to this concultivars.
Concultivar Kievski mutant. This concultivar includes fodder (sweet) cultivars bred under the supervision of Dr. V.I. Golovchenko at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Agriculture, and also the cultivars created in Volynsk and Chernigov Agricultural Experimental Stations, which are now cultivated basically on the Ukraine.
Cv. Kiev mutant (k-1904) was developed by the techniques of hybridization and induced mutagenesis with the use of accessions belonging to the Georgian ecotype and Palestinian geotype. It produces seed yield on the level of 2.5... 3.0 t/ha in the conditions of the Ukraine. The protein content in seed amounts to 42.6 %, oil content to 10.7 %, and methionine content to 0.232 g per 100 g. Duration of vegetation is 115... 130 days, including 35... 50 days from planting to flowering, and 65... 80 days from flowering to maturity. Their leaves have a number of new properties connected with mutagenesis: turgid tropism, "dormancy" of leaves, and physiological defoliation of leaf plates (Головченко, 1984). These properties provide fast growth of plants at the expense of effective usage of solar energy, early maturity, and harvest ability. This cultivar is widely cultivated not only on the Ukraine but also abroad, and is used as standard when testing new cultivars in many countries of the world. Cvs. Primorsky (k-2240), Horizont (k-2026), Ukrainian (k-2604), Dnieper (k-2239), Lotos (k-2222), Pischevoy (k-2602) etc. are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Start. This concultivar includes ultra-early fodder cultivars created in the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow under the supervision of Prof. G.G.
Gataulina. They are cultivated in Bryansk, Moscow, Oryol, Tambov and other regions of Russia.
Cv. Start (k-2498) was developed from Polish accession Bialy 7 with the using of mutagenesis. It is one of the earliest cultivars of white lupin. Theшк period from planting to harvesting extends 107... 115 days, including 27... 35 days from planting to flowering, and about 80 days from flowering to maturity. It provides seed yield on the level of 3.0 up to 5.0 t/ha. The protein output is 1.2 t/ha. The mass of 1000 seeds is 200... 250 g. High productivity, early seed maturity, high protein content (40 %) and oil content (12-14 %) make it possible to grow this cultivar quite effectively in most northern areas (Гатаулина, 1984). Besides, this cultivar would find wide application in breeding programs as an efficient source of early maturity. Cvs. Tambov early (k-2717), Tambov 86 (k-2806), Ortam (k-2848), Manovitsky (k-3491) etc. are included in this concultivar.
Chilean agrogeotype
It encompasses white lupin cultivars bred by the well-known breeder, Erik von Baer: Amiga, Prima, Victoria etc. They are grown in Chile and other countries of Latin America, have winter growth habit, long period of vegetation and are poorly studied in the conditions of Russia in this connection.
Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.)
Narrow-leafed lupin is characterized by broad polymorphism in both morphological and physiological characters. It is widespread over all Mediterranean regions as wild plant, and is cultivated in Australia, Europe, and Northern America. Variability of characters depends on eco-geographic conditions of their growing and on the degree of domestication. Wild forms are, as a rule, smaller, with narrow leaflets and pods, and small-sized seeds. Such forms basically occur on inshore sands and in the mountains, on unbroken soils. There are also macro-seeded and wide-leafed plants that grow predominantly close to arable lands. This circumstance evokes the supposition that such forms had once been cultivated in the field and afterwards returned to wild-growing state. Micolajczyk (1963, 1966) marked that the plants of wild types with sluggish initial growth, narrow leaflets and small-sized seeds are more adapted to severe conditions of growing, including frost and drought. Macro-seeded and wide-leafed forms with fast initial growth have more advantages on fertile soils and are good for cultivation in agricultural conditions. Probably such forms were the first to be selected and introduced into culture. Linnaeus described this species using numerous domesticated examples.
Macro- and microspermic plants and the forms with broad and narrow leaflets occur over all Mediterranean area. Besides, no wide gap was observed between cultivated and wild forms. In view of this, there is no reason to insist on the existence of two species: L. linifolius Roth. and L .opsianthus Atab. et Maiss.; and also two subspecies: subsp. angustifolius and subsp. reticulatus (Desv.) Franco et Silva, which have been set apart only because they have different width of leaflets and size of seeds (quantitative characters). We suppose that it would be more correct to subdivide this species into varieties, subvarieties and forms on the basis of morphological variation, and into geotypes, ecotypes, ecogeographic groups of ecotypes and concultivars on the basis of physiological, biochemical, economic and other parameters, similar to the white lupin. This approach provided us with a possibility to identify a series of similar ecotypes within the limits of different geotypes, where variations have definite geographic regularities. The diversity of narrow-leafed lupin is grouped into 12 geotypes and agrogeotypes, 16 separate ecotypes, 3 ecogeographic groups of ecotypes, and 13 concultivars.
Iberian geotype
It is represented by lupin forms from Portugal and western part of Spain. Narrow-leafed lupin occurs in this region basically in wild state, its local name being "tremoco bravo" (Mota at al., 1982; Swęcicki W., 1985, 1988). It exhibits an extremely broad diversity of forms, but dominating are microspermic ecotypes, which have been growing for a long time on one place. They are characterized by primitive dominant characters (mostly small-sized leaflets and seeds, grain hardness, monopodial branching). Macrospermic and broad-leafed forms occur basically on field margins and near roads. Here in Iberia probably was a center of formation of wild narrow-leafed lupin. Wild Iberian lupin forms are resistant to low temperatures and fungal diseases (Forbes and Well, 1966). These positive properties are already utilized in the breeding programs of Australia and USA. The Iberian geotype includes 4 ecotypes.
Iberian waterside ecotype. Plants of this ecotype grow in wild conditions on sandy soils of coastal Portugal at the altitude of 80-120 m above sea level, and are characterized by sluggish growth at initial phases of development, sympodial branching, narrow leaflets and mostly small-sized seeds. Their 1000 seed mass makes 30... 70g. Seed mass per plant, when cultivated in Sukhumi, was 2.0... 4.5 g, the mass of green matter of the above-surface part of the plant in the flowering phase was 16... 20 g. Length of leaflets is 40.0... 42.0 mm, width is 3.0... 4.0 mm. Plant height is 0.8... 1.0 m. It is a completely wild ecotype that has been growing in one place for a long time, as seashores gentle changed their delineation in the course of time (Mota, 1982). Reproduction of the accessions belonging to this ecotype in Russian environments was possible only in the fall plantings in Krasnodar Region (on the Black Sea coast) as well as in hothouses and artificial environment rooms with prior scarification and vernalization. Accessions P.I.168530 and P.I. have been resistant to gray mould and anthracnose (Gladstones, 1977, 1987). They were utilized in the breeding programs of Australia and USA.
Iberian rock ecotype. Plants belonging to this ecotype grow in separate wild populations in the mountains of Portugal and western Spain at the altitudes up to 1500 m. These plants are similar to those of the previous ecotype in habit, having narrow leaflets, shattering pods and small-sized seeds with testa hardly permeable for water. However, they are distinguished by their dwarfism (up to 0.5 m high), a shorter and denser truss, clearly expressed reaction to vernalization, and increased frost and winter hardiness. The plants of this ecotype survived frosts of about –10 ... –15°C when cultivated in the conditions of Zakatalsk area of Azerbaijan. Their 1000 seed mass ranges between 30... 80 g, seed mass per plant being 18... 22 g. Length of leaflets is 38.0... 43.0 mm, width is 3.0... 4.0 mm. It is possible to grow out the samples of this ecotype, in the same way as with the previous one, only in the fall plantings in southern regions of Russia or in artificial climate conditions. They have value as basic material in breeding for resistance to frost and diseases (k.k.-2970, 3074).
Iberian rock ecotype. Plants belonging to this ecotype grow in separate wild populations in the mountains of Portugal and western Spain at the altitudes up to 1500 m. These plants are similar to those of the previous ecotype in habit, having narrow leaflets, shattering pods and small-sized seeds with testa hardly permeable for water. However, they are distinguished by their dwarfism (up to 0.5 m high), a shorter and denser truss, clearly expressed reaction to vernalization, and increased frost and winter hardiness. The plants of this ecotype survived frosts of about –10 ... –15°C when cultivated in the conditions of Zakatalsk area of Azerbaijan. Their 1000 seed mass ranges between 30... 80 g, seed mass per plant being 18... 22 g. Length of leaflets is 38.0... 43.0 mm, width is 3.0... 4.0 mm. It is possible to grow out the samples of this ecotype, in the same way as with the previous one, only in the fall plantings in southern regions of Russia or in artificial climate conditions. They have value as basic material in breeding for resistance to frost and diseases (k.k.-2970, 3074).
Iberian roadside ecotype. These plants mainly grow as separate populations on the edges of fields together with yellow lupin. This circumstance supports the assumption that in the past they were cultivated for as a green manure crop. Their distinctive features are broad leaflets and rather large seeds. The masss of 1000 seeds is 80... 120 g, seed mass per plant is 8... 12 g, green matter mass of the above-surface part of the plant in the phase of flowering is 80... 110 g. Plant height is 0.80... 1.0 m. Length of leaflets is 48.0... 52.0 mm, their width is 6.0... 6.3 mm. There are samples with miscellaneous coloring of flowers and seeds, and they pertain to different varieties (vars. angustifolius, albopunctatus, chalybens, purpurens). The plants are marked for having faster growth habit, combination of monopodial and sympodial branching, and non-uniform seed maturing. They react to vernalization by reducing their vegetation period. Many forms are resistant to frost, like the samples of the previous ecotype. Accession Elvas (k-2673) has exhibited high resistance to Fusarium wilt when tested against an infested background (only 8% was affected). The samples of this ecotype have higher yield of green matter, and are valuable for breeding cultivars for use as green forage or green manure, and as initial material in frost resistance breeding. (k.k.-3080, 3081, 3083-3087).
Iberian green manure ecotype. It is represented by alkaloidal forms, not long ago cultivated as sideral fertilizer. The plants are notable for higher productivity of green mass (80... 120 g/plant), and for simultaneous seed maturity. Vegetational period lasts 140-160 days when tested in the conditions of Kiev Province. 1000 seed mass is 85... 120 g, and seed mass per plant is 9.2... 14.5 g. Length of leaflets is 50.0... 53.0 mm, their width is 6,0... 6.4 mm. The plants exhibit predisposition to vernalization, surviving frosts of about –5 ... –10ºC. The most representative accessions of this ecotype, k- 511 and Sierra de Aracena (k-3275), are valuable as initial material for breeding cultivars with high green matter yield for use in forage and green manure production.
Moroccan geotype
It integrates the forms of lupin, growing in the northwest part of Africa, basically in Morocco. They differ by a relative thermoneutrality, fast initial growth and heightened contents of protein (Gladstones and Crosbi, 1987). The stability to early frosts is much lower at them than at the forms of Iberian geotype. They grow basically in a wild condition. Klinkowski (1938) however marked, that peasants had collected the seeds of wild narrow-leafed lupin and had grown them on plantations of citron for sideratio in near past. Many forms of narrow-leafed lupin from Morocco have resistance to gray mould, as well as Iberian lupins. The Moroccan geotype consists from 3 ecotypes.
Moroccan waterside ecotype. It actuates wild, small-leafed and small-seeded forms, growing on coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. These plants have more fast rates of growth, early flowering, heightened (38-43 %) content of protein in comparison with Iberian waterside ecotype. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 45... 85 g, seed mass per plant 3... 5 g, mass of green part of plant 18... 21g. High of plants is 60... 80 sm. Length of leaflets 41.0... 44.0 mm, width 3.5... 4.5 mm. Vegetational period makes 140... 160 days at vernal crop in conditions of the Kiev area. Seeds do not ripen per separate years in this area. The flowering of the plants comes in beginning of May in Sukhumi (Abkhazia) at autumnal sowing, and maturing of seeds start by the beginning of July. Many samples differ by resistance to gray mould.
Moroccan rock ecotype. The forms of this ecotype grow in mountains, at the level of 800... 1200m. The plants are dwarfish (up to 50 sm) and have short and narrow leaflets. Their length is 40.0... 43.0 mm, width 3.5... 4.5 mm. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 50... 90 g, seed mass per plant is 2.5... 6.0 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 15... 23g. The plants are inclined to vernalization in the greater degree in comparison with the forms of previous ecotype. Their seeds do not ripen at vernal crop without vernalization in most cases. The accessions of this ecotype have interest as sources of stability to gray mould (k-3092).
Moroccan roadside ecotype. The plants are tall (up to 1 m) with sympodial branching, broad leaflets and large seeds. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 100... 180 g, seed mass per plant is 5,6... 11,3 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 75... 115 g. Length of leaflets is 50.0... 54.0 mm, width 6.2... 6.7 mm. Vegetational period makes 140... 160 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area. The seeds of this ecotype ripen in June at autumnal crop in Sukhumi. It is possible to suspect that forms relating to this ecotype were cultivated earlier in quality of green manure and then become wild. They grow basically on edges of fields on fertile soils and can be utilized in breeding as sources of high productivity of green mass and stability to diseases (k.k.-2003, 3091, 3093, 3094).
Algerian geotype
This geotype actuates wild forms of the Mediterranean coast of Algeria and Tunis. Available in the collection of VIR accessions from this region are weakly differ among themselves. The geotype is not differentiated on ecotypes in this connection. The plants of this geotype have sluggish growth in initial phases of development, broad and rather short leaflets. Their width is 7.3... 7.5 mm, length 45.0... 48.0 mm. A relative thermoneutrality and high productivity of green mass and seeds characterize these plants. Their seed mass per plant makes 20... 25 g, mass of above the ground part of plants in a phase of flowering 80... 120 g, mass of 1000 seeds 130... 210 g. The samples of this geotype can be utilized in breeding as sources of thermoneutrality and high productivity (k.k.-91, 371, 373, 1939).
Apennine geotype
This geotypes actuates the forms of Western and Southern Italy, and also Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica islands. The extremely broad diversity of the forms of blue lupin is detected within the limits of this geotype. They differ on a habitus of plants, width of leaflets, mass of seeds and other parameters. Parallel to wild plants, which are massed in five main regions, narrow-leafed lupin was cultivated in Italy as green fertilizer in olive plantings and as a substitute of coffee (Maisurjan and Atabiekova, 1974). Alongside with speckled seeds with a vague maculation (var. angustifolius and purpureus), at a part of plants meets beige seeds (var. corylinus and brunneus). Under the data of Swęcicki (1988), the plants are characterized by generically heightened number of seeds in a bean (up to 7). Stability to fusarium wilt is weakly for the majority of the forms.
All diversity of ecotypes in the limits of Apennine geotype are jointed into 3 eco-geographic groups in connection with presence of large assortment of forms and with insufficiency of information about their genetic feature in certain conditions of growing on Apennines.
Neapolitan eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It actuates the wild forms, growing in the region of Naples, in Calabria, and also on Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica islands. Narrow leafed lupin grows here usually on depositions of lava on declines of mountains. It is situated a little bit higher then white lupin and lower then yellow lupin. It is quite possible that separate local ecotypes were formed up in each of the indicated places.
The majority of the forms have predilection to vernalization. Their seed is small-sized, however is a little bit larger, than at Iberian and Moroccan waterside and rock ecotypes. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 90... 120 g, seed mass per plant 8... 11g, mass of green above the ground part of plant in a phase of flowering 14... 18 g. Length of leaflets is 45.0... 50.0 mm, width 4.5... 5.0 mm. The plants have monopodial type of branching. Vegetational period makes 130... 145 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area. Their seeds however do not ripen per separate years near Kiev.
Apennine roadside eco-geographic group of ecotypes. The plants belonging to this group differ by more powerful development, combination of monopodial and sympodial branching and by large leaflets and seeds. They grow near of roads and villages by separate populations. They are presumptively turned wild shapes, which were at one time cultivated on green fertilizer. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 110... 170 g, seed mass per plant 10... 14 g, mass of green above the ground part of plant in a phase of flowering 60... 90 g. Length of leaflets is 52.0... 55.0 mm, width – 6.4... 6.8 mm. These plants react on vernalization by reduction of vegetational period, which one changes from 125 to 160 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area.
Apennine green manure eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It is shown by local races, which are cultivated in Italy from XVП of century as green manure for fertilizer of gardens and vineyards. They have appeared as highly productive both on green mass (for green fertilize) and on seeds at conditions of the Kiev area. Their seed mass per plant makes 16... 25 g, mass of green part in a phase of flowering 80... 110 g, mass of 1000 seeds 130... 200 g. Sympodial branching dominates at these plants. Length of leaflets is 53.0... 55.0 mm, width 6.5... 7.0 mm. The period of vegetation is much shorter at these plants than at the representatives of the previous groups and makes 120... 130 days at vernal crop. The accessions of this group have value as sources of high productivity (k.k.-169, 2868, 2921).
Balkan-Asian geotype
This geotype integrates wild and cultivated forms of the Balkan Peninsula, western coast of Turkey, Crete and other Aegean islands. Early maturity, macrospermous and higher seed productivity characterize the majority of ecotypes belonging to this geotype. Many forms have good capacity to reallocating of nutrient substances between miscellaneous organs and have thin valves of beans. Majority of the plants have beige colouring of seed (var. corylinus and brunneus). The sources of resistance to fusarium and drought are detected among them. The accessions of this geotype have perspective as basic material for creation of lupin cultivars for grain. They will widely be used in the breeding programs of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany and Poland. Balkan-Asian geotype actuates 4 ecotypes.
Balkan wild ecotype. The representatives of this ecotype grow in a wild type in Greece and on Aegean islands. The plants are dwarfish (0.3-0.5 m high), differ by monopodial branching, very shattering beans and small-sized seeds. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 100... 130 g. However they provide enough high productivity. The seed mass per plant makes10... 13 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 12... 20 g. Length of leaflets is 46.2... 50.5 mm, width 4.8... 5.2 mm. These plants exhibit predilection to vernalization. Vegetational period is 120... 140 days at vernal crop. These accessions can be utilized in breeding as sources of small-seediness, early maturity and high productivity of seeds. The most representative accession is k-3346.
Izmir ecotype. It actuates wild forms of western and southern coast of Turkey. They differ from the accessions of previous ecotype by even greater early maturity, dwarfish and by greater mass of seeds. Duration of vegetational period makes 115... 135 days at vernal crop. Mass of 1000 seeds is 110... 140 g, seed mass per plant 11... 14 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 12... 19 g. High of plants is about 0,25... 0,40 m. Length of leaflets is 46.0... 51.2 mm, width 5.0... 5.3 mm. The plants have thin valves of beans and differ by heightened drought resistance. Their seeds contain up to 5.6 % of oil. The forms of this ecotype have interest for breeding on early maturity, resistance to drought and high seed productivity. The most typical accession is Izmir 1.
Balkan roadside ecotype. The forms of this ecotype grow by separate populations on edges of fields and on shoulders of roads on all area of geotype. They presumptively were at one time cultivated and after that turned in wild condition. These forms differ from the representatives of previous ecotype by more powerful habits of plants and by large beige seeds. Duration of vegetational period makes 110... 130 days at vernal crop near Kiev. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 120... 145 g, seed mass per 1 plant 15... 26 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 50... 80 g. Length of leaflets is 51.0... 54.0 mm, width 5.0... 5.4 mm. These plants have thin valve of beans and heightened number of seeds in a bean (up to 7). The forms of this ecotype are characterized by xeromorphism. Many from them are resistant to fusarium. The accession Apendrilon (k-2666) is most widely used in breeding programs as source of high seed productivity, resistance to fusarium and drought.
Balkan green manure ecotype. It actuates the local forms, which are cultivated in Greece for sideratio on olive plantations with XVП century (Gladstones, 1974). They are characterized by early maturity and high seed and green mass productivity. Duration of vegetational period is 100-120 days at vernal crop. These plants have broad leaflets, sympodial branching and large seeds. Length of leaflets is 53.0... 55.0 mm, width 6.5... 7.0 mm. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 140... 200 g. Seed mass per plant is 18... 27 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 60... 90 g. The accession k-3345 has interest as source of high productivity and drought resistance.
Palestinian geotype
Broad-leafed and macro-seeded forms submit it on the one hand and narrow leafed and micro-seeded forms on the other. Plitmann (1966) considers that broad-leafed forms (var. basalticus) are endemic in Palestine. The accessions of this geotype differ by early maturity, fast rate of growth in an initial stage, resistance to drought and heightened contents of oil in seeds. As well as accessions of previous geotype, they are valuable as initial material for creation of cultivars for grain. This geotype consists from 2 ecotypes.
Palestinian narrow-leafed ecotype. These forms grow in a wild condition on sandy soils, frequently in mountains. Duration of their vegetational period makes 95... 120 days. These plants have small-sized narrow leaflets and enough small-sized seeds. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 100... 130 g, seed mass per plant 15... 20 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 10... 15 g. These forms differ by heightened drought resistance. The contents of oil in seed makes 5.5... 6.4 %. The accessions of this ecotype have interest in breeding on early maturity and drought resistance.
Broad leafed ecotype. It actuates broad-leafed and macrospermous forms growing on fertile soils in apron plains. They differ by early maturity, fast initial growth and broad dark leaflets. Their length is 54.0... 56.0 mm, width 6.5... 7.5 mm. The duration of vegetational period makes 90... 110 days at cultivation in the Kiev area. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 140... 210 g, seed mass per plant 25... 30 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 45... 53 g. The seed contain up to 6.5 % of oil. These samples are earliest in Mediterranean and can be use as valuable initial material in breeding on high seed productivity, early maturity, drought resistance. The most representative accession was collected by N.I. Vavilov in 1924 (k-288).
South-African geotype
This geotype is submitted by the forms growing in the Republic of South Africa (mainly in Cape Province). It was formed up as a result of naturalization here the forms of narrow-leafed lupin from Mediterranean, as the Republic of South Africa and Mediterranean are located on an identical geographic latitude and have similar climatic conditions. The available in our disposal forms from the Republic of South Africa are looking alike as large-seeded ecotypes from Iberian and Moroccan geotypes. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 150... 180 g, seed mass per plant 20... 28 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 71... 80 g. Duration of vegetational period makes130-150 days at cultivation in the Kiev area. . Length of leaflets is 50.0... 54.0 mm, width 6.0... 6.6 mm. These forms react on vernalization by reduction of vegetational period. This geotype is not differentiated on separate ecotypes in connection with unessential distinctions between various accessions and their small quantity in the collection of VIR (k.k.-1992, 1993, 1994).
Australian agrogeotype
It was formed up partially by the same way as previous geotype as a result of naturalization of narrow-leafed lupin from Western Mediterranean. There were favorable conditions for growth and development for lupin in a nature in Australia, located on same geographic latitude with Mediterranean. Besides, the effective breeding activity is conducted in Western Australia since 1954. Highly productive and resistant to frost and diseases commercial cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin are created as a result (Gladstones, 1977). These cultivars are widely grown in agriculture and used in the breeding programs of many countries as sources of non-shattering beans and high productivity. Australian agrogeotype consists from one ecotype and two concultivars according our classification.
West-Australian ecotype. It is submitted by naturalized forms from Mediterranean which are growing now mainly in wild and turned wild condition. Available in the collection of VIR accessions are similar to the forms of Iberian, Moroccan and Apennine geotypes. They are characterized by late maturity and susceptibility to fusarium at cultivation in Russian conditions. Duration of vegetational period makes 130... 160 days at vernal crop. They react on vernalization by acceleration of growth and development. Their mass of 1000 seeds is 80... 150 g, seed mass per plant 10... 15 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 30... 55 g. Length of leaflets changes from 45.0 up to 55.0 mm, width from 4,5 up to 6,0 mm.
Concultivar New Zealand Blue. It was formed from wild Mediterranean ecotypes by selection of alkaloidal plants with high productivity of green mass and seeds. Such forms were cultivated in Australia and New Zealand in quality of green manure at autumnal crop.
Cv. New Zealand Blue (k-1732) differs by cyan colouring of a corolla and by motley seed with unclear spotting (var. angustifolius). Their seed coat is easily permeable for water (gene moll). It is characterized by high productivity of green mass and by large seeds. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 160 g, seed mass per plant 14... 18 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 70... 120 g. The duration of vegetational period from plantling to maturing makes 106-125 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area, including 40... 45 days from plantling to flowering and 66... 80 days from flowering to maturing. High of plants makes 0.60... 1.10 m. They have interest as basic material for breeding of highly productive on green mass cultivars for green manure. Local variety without name (k-1873) from Australia concerns also to t his concultivar.
Concultivar Unicrop. It integrates fodder (sweet), white flowered and white seeded cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin created under the leadership of Dr. J.S. Gladstones (1977, 1989, 1998). They are characterized by a number of valuable characters and properties: non-shattering pods (genes ta and le), early flowering (Ku), resistance to anthracnose (An) and grey mould (gl). All cultivars concern to var. albidus. They are cultivated in Australia at autumnal sowing.
Cv. Unicrop (k-2096) is created with usage of wild forms from Mediterranean, accessions from Sweden, cv. Muncheberg Sweet Blue from Germany and cv. New Zealand Blue. The duration of its period of vegetation makes 78... 110 days at vernal crop in Russia, high of plants is 0.60... 0.95 m and mass of 1000 seeds is160 g. Valuable character of this cultivar is its non-shattering pods. However it is not adapted to conditions of cultivation in Russia at vernal crop and is strongly struck by fusarium. It is possible to use this cultivar in hybridization with domestic initial material with the purpose of obtaining adapted in Russian conditions forms with non-shattering pods. The conducted researches have shown (Курлович, 1988), that practically non-shattering material possible to receive only by overlapping in a genotype all two genes controlling this characters (le and ta). This procedure can be executed by looking up of non-shattering material in F2 among the obtained hybrids with pigmented beans, as one gene (le) has marker characters (reddish pigmentation of a bean and its swelling). It is possible to find among them the plants possessing also the gene ta, by means of long delay with harvesting, by drying the beans, or with the help of anatomic researches.
Cvs: Marri (k-2270), Uniharvest (k-2090), Illyarie (k-2586), Chittick (k-2631), Yandee (k-2632), Danja (k-3056), Yorrel (k-3057), Warrah (k-3058), Gungurri (k-3059) etc. concern to this concultivar. They can be used in future breeding as sources of non-shattering pods and resistance to anthracnose, gray leaf spot, phomopsis and frost.
North-American agtogeotype
This concultivar is submitted by fodder (sweet) cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin cultivated in USA. The majority of them are created as a result of implementation of joint breeding program with Australia. Wild forms from Mediterranean, and commercial cultivars from many other countries served as basic material for their creation. Narrow-leafed lupin is cultivated in USA as well as in Australia at autumnal term of sowing. The cultivars of North-American agrogeotype are adapted to transferring of frost and have resistance to many diseases.
Concultivar Rancher. It integrates cultivars with resistance to anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata) and gray maculation of leaflets (Stemphylium vesicarium). The sources of these tags were taken from Portuguese accessions P.I.168530 and P.I.168535 (Forbes, Well, 1966).
Cv. Rancher (k-3039) is created by hybridization of cv. Blanco with theforms resistant to anthracnose and gray maculation of leaflets. It has white flowers and seeds (var. albidus). The mass of 1000 seeds makes140... 160g. This cultivar differs by late maturity and low productivity at vernal crop in conditions of Russia and the Ukraine. Its seeds do not ripen per separate years. Besides, the plants are strongly struck by fusarium. It can be utilized in breeding programs as a source of resistance to anthracnose and gray leaflets maculation. The accessions k-1716 and G-93 (k-1878) concern also to this concultivar.
Concultivar Frost. It actuates cultivars resistant to early frosts, fusarium and other deseases.
Cv. Frost (k-2258) is created in USA with usage of wild forms from Iberian geotype. It has blue flowers and small-sized and white seeds with sparse dark-brown and gray spots (var. chalybeus). The mass of 1000 seeds makes 108... 110 g. This cultivar differs by high productivity of green mass, big quantity of seeds and stability to fusarium in some locales of Russia and Ukraine at vernal crop. However, stability to diseases is exhibited not in all places. So, disease incidence of plants has compounded only 3 % on strongly contaminated by fusarium experimental field of Pavlovsk experimental station (the Leningrad area). However, 38 % of the ill plants were detected on the infected plots near Kiev, and the plants were completely struck (100 % of a defeat) on the infected plots in Bryans region. Сv. Frost can be involved in hybridization with others accessions steady to fusarium. It opens perspective to identify the transgressive forms in F2 and subsequent generation, which have higher resistance to fusarial wilt in comparison with the initial forms. This problem is considered in more detail in еру section «Genetics of quantitative characters». Сv. Frost can be utilized in the breeding programs as a source of high productivity and stability to low temperatures and fusarium. The accessions Tifblue (k-2630), Frost blue (k-1750) and others concern to this concultivars.
German agrogeotype
Narrow-leafed lupin as well as white was spread in Germany for sideratio from Eastern Mediterranean. Highly productive on green mass and earliest forms were selected in these purposes. As a result of their acclimatization were formed up adapted to local conditions cultivars of lupin for green manure. The first in the World fodder (sweet) cultivars were created also in Germany after v. Sengbusch’s discovery. German agrogeotype is submitted by two concultivars, integrating the sorts for sideratio and the fodder cultivars, which are adapted to cultivation at vernal crop. The majority of them are not resistant to fusarial wilt.
Concultivar Pflug. It integrates local alkaloidal sorts cultivated in quality of green fertilizer. They differ by high productivity of green mass and seeds.
Cv. Pflug (k-167) is created by selection of highly productive alkaloidal plants from a material of an unknown genesis. Its mass of 1000 seeds makes 150... 160 g, seed mass per plant is 18... 21g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 80... 115 g. Vegetational period makes 140... 160 days at cultivation in conditions of Ukraine. The seeds of this cultivar do not ripen in conditions of the Moscow area. The plants react on vernalization by reduction of vegetational period. Their resistance to fusarium is very weakly. Its usage is possible in breeding programs as a source of high productivity of green mass. The cultivars Bismark, Edelweiss, Pflug blue and others concern to this concultivars.
Concultivar Muncheberg. This concultivar consists from fodder (sweet) cultivars.
Cv. Muncheberg Sweet Blue (k-1618) is created by one of the first on the basis of discovered by v. Sengbusch low alkaloidal (sweet) forms. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 160 …180 g, seed mass per plant is 15... 18 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 45... 58g. Vegetational period makes 130... 155 days at cultivation in the Kiev and Moscow areas. This cultivar is strongly struck by fusarial wilt, has predilection to lodging and very shattering beans. However, it served as initial material for creation of many more highly productive fodder cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin not only in Germany but also in other countries (Australia, Poland, USA, Sweden). Cvs. Sengbusch stamm 411, Stamm 415, Guelzower gelbe suesslupine etc. concern also to this concultivar.
Polish agrogeotype
It integrates alkaloidal and fodder cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin from Poland. This species as well as white lupin was delivered to Poland from Germany and was cultivated since 1850 as green fertilizer, as decorative plant, and also on forage for sheep. Creation of the fodder cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin was began after finding the first fodder (sweet) forms. The cultivars of Polish agrogeotype are characterized by heightened early maturity in comparison with German geotype. Many from them are resistant to fusarium. Polish cultivars are jointed into 3 concultivars.
Concultivar Pulawski. This concultivar actuates local alkaloidal varieties cultivated on green fertilizer.
Cv. Pulawski (k-335) is created on experimental station Puławy by the breeder J. Sypniewski in 1920 from a local material. It differs by high productivity of green mass and seeds. The seed mass per plant makes 16... 20 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 75... 110 g, mass of 1000 seeds makes 180 g. It differs by early maturity, but it is not resistant to fusarium. Vegetational period makes 120... 140 days in conditions of the Kiev area. It can be utilized as a source of high productivity. The varieties Pulawski Wczesny, Pulawski Wysoki , Wielkopolski Gorzki etc. are included to this concultivar.
Concultivar Mirela. It integrates modern alkaloidal cultivars used as green fertilizer, and on the fodder purposes by mixing of their green mass and seeds with other forages (Kubok, 1988). Early maturity, high productivity and stability to fusarium characterize these cultivars.
Cv. Mirela (k- 2570) is created in 1981 by Dr. J. Mikołajczyk on experimental station Przebędowo by a hybridization of accessions (Rozowy Past. x Krasnopolistny) x Ignis. It differs by pink flowers and beige seeds (var. brunneus). Early maturity and high productivity of seeds characterize it. Their seed mass per plant makes 26... 30 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 60... 71 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 140... 150 g. This cultivar has demonstrated high stability to fusarium in many locales of the former USSR. Duration of vegetational period makes 85... 110 days. It will widely be used in the breeding programs as a source of high productivity, early maturity and stability to fusarium. The cultivar Turkus (k-2148) concerns also to this concultivar.
Concultivar Emir. It consists from fodder (sweet) breeding cultivars.
Cv. Emir (k-2662) is created in 1981 by Dr. J. Mikołajczyk on experimental station Przebędowo by a hybridization of accessions Procerus Róż. Wezesny x LA-111. Thermoneutrality and high resistance to fusarium characterizes it. Their seed mass per plant makes 20... 25 g, mass of a green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 50... 60 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 120... 130 g. Duration of vegetational period is 90... 115 days. This cultivar has value as a source of early maturity, thermoneutrality and resistance to fusarium. The cultivars Kazan (k-2569), Ignis (k-2183), Remik (k-3122) and others are included in this concultivar.
East-European agrogeotype
It integrates bitter and fodder (sweet) cultivars from Belarus, Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine. These cultivars are characterized by even greater early maturity in comparison with the Polish forms, by large-seediness and by fitness to local conditions of cultivation. The accessions from Poland and Germany, and also the samples of Balkan-Asian and Palestinian geotypes were as initial material for their creation. East European agrogeotype consists from 4 concultivars.
Concultivar Bienyakonsky. It is submitted by alkaloidal cultivars cultivated on green fertilizer.
Cv. Bienyakonsky 484 (k-1457) differs by blue flowers and motley and gray seeds with unclear spotting (var. angustifolius). It is characterized by high productivity of green mass (95... 120 g/plant) and seeds (25... 29 g/plant). The mass of 1000 seeds makes 150... 155 g, the contents of protein in seed is 32... 34 %, duration of vegetational period is 100... 130 days. It is not resistant to fusarium. Its usage is possible in breeding as a source of high productivity of green mass. Cvs. Bienyakonsky 335 (k-1477), Nemchinovsky cyan (k-1632), Pink 339 (k-1342), Cyan 173 (k-1507) and others are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Nemchinovsky. This concultivar integrates fodder (sweet) cultivars created before 1985 year in the former USSR. They differ by early maturity and high productivity of seeds and green mass. However, they are not resistant to fusarial wilt.
Cv. Nemchinovsky 846 (k-1981) is created in Enterprise ’’Podmoskovie’’ by hybridization of Russian variety Беляк with the German sample Ку-2. The plants have pale-violet flowers and white seeds without a triangular spot and strip (var. albosyringeus). The seed mass per plant makes 23... 26 g, mass of green part in a phase of flowering is 80... 100 g. This cultivar provides productivity of seeds up to 2.3 t/ha. That is much higher in comparison with widely distributed in Russia cultivar of yellow lupin Быстрорастущий 4 (Дебелый, Калинина, 1974). It is adopted also as the standard at testing of new cultivars and widely has used in the breeding programs with the purpose of its improvement, has value for genetic researches. The cultivars Byelorussian 155 (k-1486), Немчиновский кормовой (k- 1980), Северный 3 (k-712) and others are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Danko. It integrates new breeding cultivars created after 1985 year in the countries of the former USSR. Higher productivity and stability to deseases (fusarium) characterize them. Some of them have non-shattering beans.
Cv. Danko (k-2949) is created by Dr. N.S. Kuptsov in Byelorussian Institute of Agriculture by individual selection from a hybrid combination Ban x Лаф 4. It differs by high productivity, resistance to root rot and has non-shattering beans. The average productivity of seeds for 3 years of tests has compounded 3.4 t/ha, the yield of green mass has made 47.9 t/ha. The content of protein in seeds makes 33.7 %. Duration of vegetational period is 96... 119 days (Купцов, 1987). Cvs. Reserve 884 (k-2747), White consul (k-3029), Grey consul (k-3026), Натальевский (k-3027) concern to this concultivar.
Concultivar Ladny. This concultivar integrates cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin with determinate branching. This character causes uniform of seed maturity, non-lodging and manufacturability at harvesting.
Cv. Ladny (k-2648) is created in Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow in cooperation with Enterprise ’’Podmoskovie’’ by processing of cv. Nemchinovsky 846 by gamma rays. The plants have pale-violet flowers and white seeds without a triangular spot and strip. Their lateral branches are absent or shortened, flowers are axillary (var. albosyringeus, f. kloczkovii). This cultivar is characterized by early maturity and large stability and productivity of seeds on the main truss. The coefficient of variation of mass of 1000 seeds makes only 9 % at it, whereas this index has 22 % at initial cultivar Nemchinovsky 846 (Коновалов et al., 1985). Their seed productivity is at the level of Nemchinovsky 846 or even exceeds it. However implementations of high seed productivity need the heightened seeding rate (1.6... 2.0 million seeds on 1 ha). Duration of vegetational period makes for this cultivar is 75... 90 days. The cultivars and samples: Дикаф 14, Гелена, Силена, Lanedeks 1 etc. concern to this concultivars.
Yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.)
This species is characterized by a rather smaller diversity of physiological and commercial characters if compared with the white and narrow-leafed lupins. However, it may also be divided into different geotypes, ecotypes, eco-geographic groups of ecotypes, and concultivars on the basis of variation in productivity of green matter and seeds, duration of vegetation period, predisposition to vernalization, seed weight, etc. Yellow lupin probably originated, according to Gladstones (1974), in Portugal and western Spain, whence it was distributed as cultivated and horticultural plant. Merino (1905) observed that plants of yellow lupin in the Spanish province of Galicia are often clustered around villages, which underlines the role of cultivation in the distribution of this species even within its present natural range. In the same way (by semi-naturalization) it appeared on the Island of Madeira (Lowe, 1968) and in the west of France, in Southern Africa and Western Australia (Gladstones, 1974). Yellow lupin is cultivated as fodder crop on acid and, basically, sandy soils in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands, Brazil and other countries. The diversity of yellow lupin is classified into 8 geotypes, 10 ecotypes, 2 eco-geographic groups of ecotypes, and 10 concultivars.
Iberian geotype
It actuates wild, turned wild and cultivated forms from Portugal and Western Spain. Alkaloidal yellow lupin is widely used in these countries in the miscellaneous purposes:
as standing hay (dry pasture) for seep, as green forage, as hay or silage, as a grain crop, on green fertilizer and other uses (Abreu, 1994). It is used in these purposes most widely in area of „Montados” in Portugal, where the climate is typical for Mediterranean and the soils have lower productive capacity. The „Montado” is domesticated in Portugal by a highly valued oak – the cork oak, which has been „gardened” by man through centuries. This process of domestication, where is not only a plant species that is being domesticated, but the entire agroforestry system, found a special role for the Lupinus luteus species (Pinto, 1994). The plants of Iberian yellow lupin differ by high productivity of green mass, small seediness, and resistance to low temperatures and diseases. Iberian lupin already has ensured advance of breeding on resistance to fusarial wilt, and probably will ensure advance on resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloesporioides Penz.). Besides, accessions of Iberian geotype are perspective as initial material for breeding of fodder cultivars for green mass and silage, which should provide a high yield of vegetative mass. Wild forms of lupin from Iberian geotype have most small-sized seeds. However many forms can be grown on seeds only at autumnal crop in Russian conditions in the Southern region (on Caucasus) or in artificial conditions after vernalization and scarification.
Lupinus hispanicus Boiss. et Reuter is other related to yellow lupin species growing also on Pyrenees. Both species have identical number of chromosomes but differ serologically and on colouring of flowers. They had probably one initial shape, however divergented for a long time. Hybrids obtained between them distinguished by a number of valuable characters. Existence on Pyrenees two close species (L.luteus L. and L. hispanicus Boiss.et Reut.) with same number of chromosome (2n=52), wide diversity of wild and cultivated forms of yellow lupin and long historical period of their growing give the reasons to suppose that on Pyrenees was the center of formation the wild forms of yellow lupin and the center of origin (diversity) of its cultivated forms. Iberian geotype integrates 4 ecotypes.
Lisbon ecotype. The wild small-seeded forms growing on sandy acid soils of coast of Portugal and Spain submit it. One of their large concentrations is situated in neighborhoods of Lisbon. Analysis of collected accessions has shown, that the plants concerning to this ecotype long time stay in a phase of rosette in conditions of Russia. However, this phase of development is essentially reduced after vernalization. High of plants is 0.6... 0.7 m. They have basically monopodial branching. The seed mass per plant makes 2... 5 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 100... 110 g, mass of 1000 seeds makes 75... 90 g. The contents of protein in seeds is 41.9 %, oil 5.4 % (Gladstones and Crosole, 1987). Their seeds have the property of grain hardness. The majority of accessions do not ripen at vernal crop in conditions of Russia. The flowering comes in May and maturing of seeds in July at autumnal crop in Transcaucasia. These plants are resistant to low temperatures. The part of plants maintained frosts up to -10 ...-150 within all winter in mountains regions of Azerbaijan. Tomaszewski in Poland utilized the wild Portugal form № 679 of this ecotype for creation of resistant to fusarial wilt varieries Cyt and Afus (Kubok, 1988; Swęcicki, 1988). The forms of Lisbon ecotype have value as basic material for creation of highly productive fodder green mass cultivars (for silage) with high immunity to fusarial wilt. The most representative accession of this ecotype is k-3099.
Madrid ecotype. This ecotype actuates wild forms growing by separate populations on declines of mountains, at the altitude from 500 up to 1000 m. One of the centers of their high concentration is reviled in neighborhoods of Madrid. These plants differ by unpretentiousness to conditions of growing and by resistance to cold. They have smaller high (up to 0,5 м) and stronger monopodial branching in comparison with the forms of previous ecotype. The reacting on vernalization for plants is strongly exhibited by reduction of vegetational period and by change of habits of plants. Their seeds do not ripen without preliminary vernalization at vernal crop in the Kiev area. The plants maintain frosts up to -12 ...-150С in conditions of autumnal crop in mountains regions of Azerbaijan. Their seed mass per plant makes 3.5... 6.0 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 70... 100 g. The seeds have coat difficultly permeable for water. The contents of protein in seeds makes 38... 42 %, oil 4.5... 5.7 %. Such forms succumb on productivity of green mass the plans of Lisbon ecotype (80... 90 g/plant). They are valuable basic material at breeding on small-seediness, frost, cold and diseases resistance (k.k.-3072, 2289, 2291).
Callician ecotype. It is submitted by growing in wild condition more large-seeded and tall forms, which grow near villages and along fields. That testifies (Merino, 1967), that they had been cultivated at one time and then they turned wild. These plants are with monopodial and sympodial branching; their high is up to 0.8 m. They differ by high productivity of seeds and green mass. Their seed mass per plant makes10... 12 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 200... 210 g. Their seeds ripen not uniformly on a central truss and on lateral branches. The mass of 1000 seeds makes 90... 120 g. These plants to a lesser degree exhibit predilection to vernalization, differ by high nitrogen fixing capacity, resistance to fusarium and anthracnose. Duration of vegetational period makes 150... 175 days in conditions of the Kiev area at vernal crop. These accessions have perspective as initial material for creation of highly productive on green mass (for silage) and resistant to diseases cultivars (k.k.-2290, 2292, 2869, 2870, 3279, 3280).
Seville ecotype. It consists from local high productive alkaloidal local races of Spain and Portugal, which are cultivated on fields as green fertilizer and on the forage for sheep. They are subjected to long-lived selection, are adapted to cultivation on good reclamationed soils, have large stalks and leaflets with mesomorphic pattern. They provide high productivity of green mass (up to 245 g/plant). Their seed mass per plant makes 11... 12 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 100... 120 g. The seeds ripen more uniformly. Duration of vegetational period is 140... 180 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area. Some samples do not ripen per separate years. The accessions of this ecotype are resistant to fusarium, have high nitrogen fixing capacity and positive reaction to applying of the commercial strains of Bradyrhizobium lupini. They are perspective for creation of high productive and resistant to fusarium and anthracnose cultivars (k.k.-2865, 2992, 3274, Tromusillo, MKW-2).
Moroccan geotype
It integrates the forms growing in wild or turned wild condition on Northwest coast of Africa, basically on the territory of Morocco. They differ by weak reacting on vernalization (thermoneutrality). Besides, vegetational period of these plants is elongated at cultivation in conditions of lengthy day. Many forms are characterized by the heightened contents of protein in seed (40... 45 %), by short period of rosette phase and fast initial growth. This geotype consists from 2 ecotypes.
Tangier ecotype. It is submitted by wild small-seeded forms, which grow on sandy and petrous soils on coast and declines of mountains. The plants are characterized by enough high productivity of green mass (160... 170 g/plant). Their seed mass per plant makes 4.0... 6.5 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 80... 120 g. The part of seeds has property of grain hardness. The plants differ by gentle reacting on vernalization. Duration of vegetational period makes 150... 160 days at vernal crop in conditions of the Kiev area, and about 180 days in conditions of the Moscow area. The accessions of this geotype have interest as sources of a thermoneutrality and small-seediness. The most representative accession is Anamoro (k-3126).
Rabat ecotype. It consists from more large-seeded forms growing on fertile soils, frequently on edges of roads and fields. These plants are gentle react on vernalization in Russian condition at vernal sowing, differ by fast initial growth, strong monopodial and sympodial branching and high productivity of green mass. The maturity of seeds goes no uniformly on lateral branches of the different orders. Their seed mass per plant makes 12... 13 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 190... 200 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 100... 130 g. The content of protein in seeds makes up to 44... 45 %. Duration of period of vegetation is 130... 155 days at vernal crop in Kiev area and 140... 160 days in conditions of Moscow area. The forms of this ecotype have value at selection on thermoneutrality, high contents of protein and productivity (k-2004).
Apennine geotype
It actuates the forms growing on Apennine peninsula and on islands Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. This geotype is characterized by broad scope of variability. It is submitted by cultivated for a long time local alkaloidal forms, which are used as green fertilizer, and by numerous wild populations of plants, which are located in miscellaneous ecological conditions, frequently near to plants of white and narrow-leafed lupins. Many wild forms of yellow lupin have similarity with local varieties (large seeds, sympodial branching). Heightened number of seeds in a bean characteristically for many forms of this geotype (Swęcicki, 1988). It is possible to suspect that separate ecotype were formed in different foci of them growing, and especially on islands. But we have not found the sufficient basis for partition of this geotype on separate ecotypes in connection with restricted differences between available in the collection of VIR accessions of this geotype. We have aggregated all available diversity of accessions into two eco-geographic groups of ecotypes.
Messina eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It is submitted by wild forms growing on the island Sicily (near city Messina), on islands Sardinia, Corsica, and also in the south of Apennine peninsula, in Calabria and near Naples. These plants are characterized by broad polymorphism of variability. Their seed mss per plant changes from 6 up to 18 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering from 50 up to 85 g and duration of vegetational period at vernal crop in the Kiev area from 120 to 150 days. These plants react on vernalization by reduction of vegetational period on 10... 15 days. The majority of the forms are not resistant to fusarium (k-1447, Sycylia Kl.1, Sycylia Kl.2, Sycylia Kl.3).
Italian green manure eco-geographic group of ecotypes. It integrates local alkaloidal varieties. They differ by high productivity of green mass and by large seeds. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 140... 150 g, seed mass per plant is 10... 12 g and mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 100... 130 g. Duration of vegetational period makes 135... 155 days at vernal crop in the Kiev area. The forms with resistance to fusarium are not detected among accessions of this group. The typical accessions of this group are k- 3341 and k- 2074.
Balkan-Asian geotype
It integrates forms of yellow lupin collected on the Balkan peninsula and in the western part of Turkey. They differ by more shorts period of vegetation, heightened drought resistance and small-seediness. The genetic resources of lupin belonging to Balkan-Asian geotype are widely used in the breeding programs of Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Balkan-Asian geotype consists from 2 ecotypes.
Greek ecotype. This ecotype is submitted in the collection of VIR now only by one wild form (k-3342) collected on Balkan Peninsula. Some forms of this ecotype having been available in the VIR collection before Second World War have appeared lost during blockade of Leningrad. But, Sibthort and Smith (1830) mentioned and illustrated L. luteus in the Flora of Greece. Merkenschlager has found the plants of L. luteus near Sparta on acid soils derivated from crystalline shales (Майсурян, Атабекова, 1974). Klinkowski (1938) also has informed about apparently native Greek L. luteus L. However, Gladstones (1998) has exposed to doubt presence of wild yellow lupin on Balkan. We consider on this basis that yellow lupin meets now in Greece very seldom. It is on the verge of disappearance, probably as a result of human activity. The available in our disposal sample is characterized by relative early maturity, high seed productivity and by enough large seeds. Its mass of 1000 seeds makes 110... 150 g, seed mass per plant is 18... 22 g and mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 45... 50 g. Duration of vegetational period makes 120... 130 days.
Anatolian ecotype. The wild forms collected in Turkey represent it. They are submitted in the collection of VIR mainly by accessions collected by Klinkowski (Klinkowski Anatolian, Klinkow.Aschersleb.31555, 31657, 32155, and 32457). The plants of this ecotype differ also by early maturity, even bigger seed productivity and mass of seeds in comparison with the previous ecotypes and heightened resistance to drought. Their mass of 1000 seeds makes 130... 160 g, seed mass per plant is 19... 23 g and mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering 30... 40 g. Duration of vegetational period is 115... 130 days in conditions of the Kiev area. The accessions of this geotype have interest as sources of high seed productivity and resistance to drought (k.k.-2076-2081 and k-3343).
Palestinian geotype
This geotype actuates the forms of yellow lupin from Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. The isolation was rendered essential influencing on formation of yellow lupin in this region. That has resulted in differences of growing here plants of lupin (Kazimierski and Kazimierska, 1975). The seeds of same plants have brown tint (gene fuscus). For some of the forms are typical fast initial growth, early maturity, small-seediness and resistance to drought. Kazimierski and Kazimierska (1975) mark following special characters of the Palestinian forms of yellow lupin: small-sized leaflets, short inflorescence, first flower is arranged below the vercicil, low plants, smaller number of seeds in a bean (3-4) and brown seed. The presence of these characters has given the basis to the writers to dedicate the Palestinian forms in separate subspecies (subsp. orientalis Kazim. et Kazim.).
However, conducted analysis of available in the collection of VIR forms has allowed to establish a number of essential distinctions between accessions of this geotype. Parallel to plants described by Kazimierski and Kazimierska (1975) as subsp. orientalis, the forms with broad leaflets, black- doted large seeds, fast initial growth and early flowering are detected. We suppose, that described by Kazimierski and Kazimierska (1975) forms more correctly to esteem as one of the local ecotype on an edge of area of the species in connection with available big diversity of the forms within the limits of same area. The Palestinian geotype consists from 2 ecotypes in our opinion.
Oriental ecotype. It actuates the forms with brown tints of seed (var. kazimierskii), with small-sized narrow leaflets, short dense inflorescence, and with small quantity of seeds in a bean (3-4). These forms were described as subsp. orientalis Kazim. et Kazim. Late maturity and low productivity of green mass and seeds characterize them. Their seed mass per plant makes 10... 15g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 20... 30g and mass of 1000 seeds is 90... 105g. Duration of vegetational period makes 120... 150 days in conditions of the Kiev area. These forms are very susceptible to fusarium. We consider that they are endemic in the territory of Israel and Palestine. They have interest for further genetic researches (Israel 8a, Israel 8b).
Jerusalem ecotype. This ecotype consists from the forms with black-doted large seeds (var. luteus and var. maculosus), with broad leaflets, fast initial growth and early flowering. They differ by early maturity, resistance to drought and by high seed productivity. Their seed mass per plant makes 20... 24 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 40... 45g and mass of 1000 seeds is 120... 160g. Duration of period of vegetation makes 108... 120 days at cultivation in the Kiev area. We concider that accessions belonging to this ecotype were delivered from other countries. They have interest as initial material in the breeding programs on early maturity, resistance to drought, tolerance to virus diseases and high seed productivity (Palestyna 1, Palestyna 3).
German agrogeotype
Yellow lupin was spread in Germany from Mediterranean as well as white and narrow-leafed lupins. It began to cultivate as flower plant under a title "the Turkish violet" with XVI century (Zhukovsky, 1929). It has received broad distribution as crop plant for sideratio in subsequent. The first fodder (sweet) cultivars were created in Germany also after finding of low alkaloidal forms by v. Sengbusch. Thay have received widespread occurrence in many countries of a world (concultivar Weiko). The German geotype is characterized by early maturity, small-seediness and relative thermoneutrality in comparison with the gene pool from Mediterranean. It consists from 3 concultivars.
Concultivar Lueneburger. It is shown by alkaloidal cultivars used on green fertilizer and in horticulture. It is characterized by high productivity of green mass and by large brightly yellow flowers.
Cv. Lueneburger gelbe (k-391). This cultivar was created by the method of selection of highly productive plants from a local material. It concerns to var. luteus. Their seed mass per1 plant makes 10... 15 g, mass of a green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 200... 250 g and mass of 1000 seeds is 160 g. Duration of vegetational period makes 125... 135 days in conditions of Kiev area. This cultivar is unstable to fusarium wilt and virus diseases. Its usage is possible in breeding as the source of high productivity of green mass (for silage). Cvs. Von Kolbens Vienauer and Paulsens Gelbe concern also to this concultivar.
Concultivar Weiko. It integrates first fodder (sweet) cultivars of the Weiko serial, created by v. Sengbusch, Troll and Zimmerman. The method of stepwise hybridization has widely used in selection of this serial, which has permitted by step-by-step to improve valuable characters and to receive a number of new valuable characters and properties of plants (fast pace of initial growth, white colouring of seed, non-shattering beans without pubescence on them.
Cv. Weiko IV (k-1773) is characterized by the fast rate of growth, not-shattering and weakly pubescent beans, yellow flowers and white seeds (var. leucospermus). Its seed mass per plant makes 20... 24 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 80... 90 g and mass of 1000 seeds is 140... 170 g. The contents of protein in seeds is 42.2 %. Duration of period of vegetation makes 120... 135 days in conditions of the Kiev area. This cultivar has ensured the productivity of green mass on the level of 42.4 t/ha, seed productivity has made 2.14 t/ha on testing plots in Zhitomir area. However, it is not resistant to fusarium. This cultivar was used as initial material for creation of more highly productive cultivars in many countries of the world. The cultivars Weiko I (k-1402), Weiko II (k-1594), Weiko III (k-1656), Muencheberger Gelbe suesslupine (k-337) etc. concern to this concultivar.
Concultivar Borluta. It integrates modern German breeding cultivars created in main on base of concultivar Weiko, but distinguished by resistance to fusarium and by higher productivity.
Cv. Borluta (k-2200) is the highly productive cultivar in agriculture of many countries. It is also the high-performance source of resistance to fusarium it breeding programs. The character of resistance is transferred to it from wild Portuguese and Italian forms collected by expeditions of Wuttke (1943) and Lamberts (1955). The character of resistance is controlled by one recessive gene (Лукашевич, 1989). The seed mass per plant at this cultivar makes 20... 24 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 130... 140g. The content of protein in dry matter of green mass is 19 %. The maximal productivity of green mass has compounded 105.0 t/ha; seeds yield has made 2.9 t/ha at production-line testings in Russian conditions. Duration of vegetational period makes 120... 140 days. Cvs. Bornova, Trebatch, Topaz, Refusa etc. concern to this concultivar.
Polish agrogeotype
It integrates fodder (sweet) cultivars of Poland. They were created after publication in 1932 in USSR method of rapid analysis of plants on low alkaloidness. Yellow lupin is the species, which is most widely cultivated in Poland in view of its low requirements towards soil conditions. It is cultivated in Poland on acidic sandy soils with the purpose of them reclamation and obtaining of highly-quality forage. The cultivars of this agrogeotype are characterized by shorter period of vegetation in comparison with German agrogeotype. This agrogeotype actuates 3 concultivars.
Concultivar Ekspress. It actuates fodder cultivars with not falling beans and fast paces of initial growth, but not resistant to fusarium. They are created on the basis of the German cultivars from the serial Weiko and from local materials also.
Cv. Ekspress (k-1684) is created by Winiarski on experimental station Przebędowo by hybridization of accessions Poznański x Oleski. It is characterized by enough high productivity of green mass (200... 210 g/plant) and fast growth rate (gene promtus). The seed mass per plant at this cultivar makes 15... 19 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 120 g. The contents of protein in seeds is 40.0 %. The plants of this cultivar are not resistant to fusarium. 86 % of plants have appeared staggered by fusarium at test on an infected background. Duration of vegetational period makes 120... 130 days in the Kiev area. Cvs. Sam (k-1736), Mazowiecki (k-1738), Lima (k-1969), Bas (k-2174) concern to this concultivar.
Concultivar Afus. It integrates cultivars with high resistance to fusarium and created with usage as initial material of the Portuguese forms from Iberian geotype.
Cv. Afus (k-2084) is created by Z.Tomaszewski and I.Kubok by hybridization of the Portuguese form M - 385 with Polish low alkaloidal and fast growing sample N 679 (Таранухо, 1977, 1980; Kubok, 1988). This cultivar has yellow flowers and white seeds with black spots and two light arcs (var. maculosus). Their resistance to fusarium is conditioned by dominant alleles of two genes (Лукашевич, 1989). It is rather late cultivar but with fast growth rate on the initial stages (gene Rapidus). The plants have small seeds and high green mass yield. Beside resistance to fusarium also gramine alkaloid was brought to Polish breeding by this cultivar, which, despite low toxicity causes a certain worsening of the fodder palatability (Kubok, 1988). The seed mass per plant makes at this cultivar 22... 24 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 230... 250 g and mass of 1000 seeds is 125 g. The contents of protein in seeds is 41.9 % (Каталог мировой коллекции ВИР, вып.511, 1990). Duration of vegetational period makes 130... 155 days. The cultivar is the good donor of high productivity and resistance to fusarium, which one will widely be used in the breeding programs of many countries. Cvs. Cyt (k-2398), Tomik (k-2146) etc. concern also to this concultivars.
Concultivar Iryd. It consists from modern breeding cultivars distinguished by early maturity, high productivity, thermoneutrality, immunity to fusarium and tolerance to virus deseases.
Cv. Iryd (k-3020) is created on experimental station Wiatrowo by a hybridization of spontaneous early mutant with resistant to fusarium sample Refusa Nowa (Swięcicki, 1985). It differs by fast rate of initial growth, immunity to fusarium and resistance to lodging and virus diseases. The virus infection is not transmitted through its seeds. Its seed mass per plant makes 20... 22 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 180... 220 g. The contents of protein in seeds is up to 44 % and in dry matter of green mass about 20 %. The mass of 1000 seeds is 130 g. This cultivar has the broad usage in the breeding programs of Belarus and Russia as the source of complex mentioned above useful characters. Cvs. Aga, Baltyk, Orbit, Reda, Topaz, Ventus, Juno etc. are included in this concultivar.
East-European agrogeotype
It actuates fodder cultivars of Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine. The basic material for their creation was served accessions and cultivars from Poland and Germany, and also wild forms and local varieties from eastern Mediterranean. The cultivars relating to this agrogeotype are created for different soils and climatic zones and have difference in the assignation (for grain, silage or combined usage), in the level of productivity and in duration of vegetational period (Дюбин, 1974; Таранухо, 1980).
Conculivar Akademichesky. It integrates breeding cultivars of silage-grain usage created in the period from 1945 to 1990 years. They differ by enough high productivity of seeds and green mass. However, thay are not resistant to fusarium.
Cv. Akademichesky 1 (k-1947) is created in the Byelorussian Agricultural Academy by the method of individual selection of early plants with their subsequent hybridization among themselves (Таранухо, 1980). It belongs to var. luteus. This cultivar takes until now the big areas of sowing in Belarus and Russia, and also is the standard at tests of new cultivars. It is productive both on seeds and on green mass. The average yield of seeds has compounded from 1.25 up to 2.66 t/ha and yield of green mass from 32.7 up to 61.9 t/ha during the tests. The content of protein in seeds makes 42.3... 47.2 %, and it is on the level of 18.5... 20.4 % in dry matter of green mass (Таранухо, 1977). The mass of 1000 seeds makes 130 g and duration of vegetational period is 95... 120 days. This cultivar has rather resistance to virus diseases, however is not resistant to fusarium. It is the effective course of early maturity in breeding programs of many countries. Cvs. Быстрорастущий 4 (k-1509), Быстрорастущий 81 (k-1943), Балтеи (k-1631), Рокинсkий 58 (k-2053), Носовский белосемянный (k-1531) are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Kastrychnik. It integrates modern resistant to fusarium and others diseases breeding cultivars of Belarus and Russia with duration of vegetational period 90... 120 days.
Cv. Kastrychnik (k-2651) is created in Byelorussian Institute of Agriculture by hybridization of cvs. Afus and Akademichesky 1 with subsequent individual selection on infected by fusarium plots (Лукашевич, 1988). It belongs to var. luteus and differs by fast rate of growth and heightened resistance to fusarium. Their seed mass per plant makes 23... 25 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 200... 250 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 115 g. The contents of protein in the seeds is on the level of 42.3... 46.5 %, the content of protein in dry matter of green mass is 16.5... 18.3 %. The maximal yield of seeds (3.3 t/ha) and green mass (86.2 t/ha) is obtained in the Gomel area of Belarus. Duration of vegetational period makes 90... 115 days. This cultivar is widely cultivated in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. It is widely used also in the breeding programs as a source of early maturity and high productivity. Cvs. БСХА-382, Bryansk 6, Нарочанский and others concern to this concultivar.
Concultivar Kopylovsky. It actuates modern resistant to fusarium cultivars created on the Ukraine with duration of vegetational period 105... 130 days.
Cv. Kopylovsky (k-2601) is created in Ukrainian Institute of Agriculture by stepwise hybridization of cvs. Niko and Shwako with resistant to fusarium mutants. It has black seeds (var. niger). This cultivar has exhibited high resistance to fusarium at test on different artificial infected backgrounds, created by miscellaneous methods in many locales of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. It testifies about complex resistance of this cultivar to the different strains and races of this pathogen. The cultivar differs by high productivity of seeds and green mass. The seed mass per plant makes 24... 26 g, mass of green part of plant in a phase of flowering is 240... 250 g, mass of 1000 seeds is 105... 120 g. The contents of protein in seeds makes 47 %, its content in dry matter of green mass is 18 %. The maximal seed productivity has compounded 2.5 t/ha and yield of green mass has reached 66.0 t/ha at production-line testing (Синицын et al., 1983). This cultivar is highly effective source of resistance to fusarium. Cvs. Volynsk 1, Martin 2 , Факел etc. are included in this concultivar.
Concultivar Zhitomirsky. It integrates sorts of yellow lupin with determinate branching, all lateral branches at which are finished by flowers or flower truss. This character causes early maturity and manufacturability at harvesting. Such cultivars introduce the special value at cultivation and usage on a grain. The forms of yellow lupin with the determinate branching are obtained for the first time by breeder Valovnenko (Валовненко, 1974).
Concultivar Zhitomirsky. It integrates sorts of yellow lupin with determinate branching, all lateral branches at which are finished by flowers or flower truss. This character causes early maturity and manufacturability at harvesting. Such cultivars introduce the special value at cultivation and usage on a grain. The forms of yellow lupin with the determinate branching are obtained for the first time by breeder Valovnenko (Валовненко, 1974).
Cv. Zhitomirsky anniversary (k-2149) is created on Zhitomir agricultural experimental station with usage of mutagenesis. The plants have yellow axillary flowers and white seeds. The lateral shoots absent or shortened (var. leucospermus, f. ucrainicus). The seed mass per plant makes 12... 15 g, mass of green part of plants in a phase of flowering is 40... 45 g and mass of 1000 seed is 135 g. The contents of protein in seeds makes 41.35 % (Каталог мировой коллекции ВИР, вып. 511, 1990). This cultivar differs by short vegetational period (90... 105 days). The plants ripen on 12... 20 days earlier, than at others cultivars with conventional branching. The productivity of this lupin form with determinate branching usually is lower than productivity of conventional forms with traditional branching in calculation on one plant. However, this cultivar provides the yield of seeds from a unit of area at the level of others cultivars with usual branching at the thickened sowing rate, and the quality of seeds is much higher at it. Concerning green mass, this cultivar succumbs to cultivars with traditional branching on productivity (30... 35 t/ha). Cvs. Искорость, Детер 5774/83, Лимонный, Юбилейный etc. concern also to this concultivar.
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